Appleby Platinum Sponsor Of 2021 Tech Summit

October 7, 2021

Jerome Wilson Bermuda Oct 2021Appleby will be a Platinum Sponsor of the 2021 Bermuda Tech Summit which is taking place virtually 13-15 October.

A spokesperson said, “The conference is presented by the BDA [Bermuda Business Development Agency]. Partner Jerome Wilson who is head of Appleby’s Technology and Innovation practice in Bermuda will be speaking on the regulatory panel, in addition to speaking on the digital assets panel with technology colleagues, Partner Matthew Ebbs-Brewer and Associate Kit Cunningham.

“The conference, which is centred around the theme ‘Transforming the Digital Landscape’, will feature the world’s leading technology thought leaders as they reimagine the digital landscape of the future and provide attendees with insights and predictions based on the latest trends and future developments.

“Appleby’s multi-disciplinary global Technology and Innovation team comprises experts from Appleby’s 10 offices to help businesses meet the new challenges and support clients across a broad range of emerging technologies, including: Blockchain; Virtual Currencies, Token Sales and Initial Coin Offerings; Financial Technologies; Digital Technology and E-Commerce; Intellectual Property; IT and Communications; and Data Protection and Information Management.

“Members of Appleby’s Technology team, along with members of Appleby’s fiduciary and corporate/trusts service provider, AGS, will be in attendance to share their knowledge and answer any questions after each of their panels.

“On 13 October, Jerome Wilson will be speaking on the ‘Transforming the Regulatory Landscape’ main panel with other industry experts on how new technology will only reach its full potential, and flourish, if sophisticated legislative structures and regulatory frameworks are put in place to support their development. This session will provide insights into how Bermuda is striking the right balance between innovation and customer protection as a premier financial services jurisdiction.

“On 14 October, Jerome Wilson, Matthew Ebbs-Brewer and Kit Cunningham will be featured in a breakout session titled, ‘Digital Asset Business in Bermuda’. They will provide an overview of the legal framework of DABA [Digital Asset Business Act] and speak to client Bittrex on their experience with Bermuda’s digital asset licensing process.”

Jerome Wilson said, “We are very pleased to continue to sponsor and support the Bermuda Tech Summit, now in its third year. Bermuda is leading the way in the formation of new Digital Assets with the most progressive ICO [initial coin offering] and digital assets legislation.

“Bermuda is becoming a global hub for blockchain and fintech with three types of digital asset business licenses, including a sandbox-type license for those looking to test their proof of concept, a modified license for a limited period and a full license for entities looking for something more long-term. We are here to support businesses at different stages and as market demands evolve locally and globally.”

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