Green Family Donate $50,000 To Home

November 18, 2021

Home_Filson pro_green367The Green family have made two $25,000 donations to home, a new local programme that aims to end homelessness in Bermuda.

“The donations mark a significant funding boost for the organisation, which launched in October, and will enable the charity to make strides in its ambitious mission to ensure that all homeless people are in a safe, stable and sustainable home within the next five years. They are looking further afield, too, identifying and problem solving the systemic issues that result in the problem in the first place,” a spokesperson said.

“According to the 2016 census, there were then 138 people without a home – up by more than two-thirds from 2010. Homelessness also doesn’t always look like what people expect: it can include those in women’s shelters, living in their cars, tents or on the streets.

“Many are in insecure or inadequate accommodations, such as those living under threat of violence or eviction, in overcrowded homes and in those that aren’t fit for habitation. home aims to help them all.

“As a new organisation, home is currently fundraising to meet its goals and to staff itself with those who can help their vision be realised. The donations from the Green family comes as an initial boost to set them on course. The first donation has been made and the second will be made for 2022.”

Alexander Green said: ‘We are delighted to be able to support home in its incredibly important mission. Even with its small population, homelessness is a serious concern in Bermuda. We share in home’s belief that no-one should be homeless and we are pleased to be able to do our part. It is our hope that the community rallies around this admirable initiative and helps out their fellow man.’

Denise Carey, Executive Director of home, said: ‘We are grateful to the Green family for their generous donation which helped us to launch home. Not only that, but we are emboldened by them sharing in our vision that homelessness will be ended in Bermuda.

‘Comprehensive data from around the world supports the facts that in nearly all cases homelessness is preventable and, in every case, homeless can be ended. Working collaboratively and compassionately we will apply our leadership to end homelessness in Bermuda.’

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  1. Toodle-oo says:

    The generosity of the Green family continues to amaze and even inspires a degree of confidence.
    They continue to do more for this island than ‘this government’ does.