‘View To Making Adjustments From February 4′

January 28, 2022

The Ministry of Health is “currently conducting a review” of the regulations “with a view to making adjustments to take effect from February 4,” Minister of Health Kim Wilson said.

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Speaking at yesterday’s [Jan 27] press briefing, Minister Wilson said, “With respect to the public health legislation, the Ministry of Health is currently conducting a review of the Public Health [Covid-19 Emergency Powers] [Phased Re-opening] Regulations 2021 with a view to making adjustments to take effect from February 4.

“We are assessing a number of metrics including our vaccination rate and the Covid-19 indicators for the current outbreak. Additionally, and importantly, we are taking into account the Government’s shift to living with Covid which requires all of us to take personal responsibility for our actions.

“Not only is the Ministry reviewing the Emergency Powers Regulations, we are also reviewing the Quarantine [Covid-19] [No. 3] Order 2020. It is the Quarantine Order which establishes the traveller testing regime for air arrivals, cruise ship visitors and mariners. The aim is to re-set Bermuda’s travel requirements for April 1.”

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You can find more information on the links below from our dedicated website BermudaCovid.com, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

  • All Charts: Vaccine, testing & more here
  • Timelines: Dates of major developments here
  • Test results: Chart of testing stats here
  • Vaccine: Data covering vaccinations here
  • Dedicated website: BermudaCovid.com

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    If decisions are to be made in a weeks time, why then wait until April 1 to implement them? Is the PLP waiting until all airlines shut down so no one can leave or arrive? Are they aware that the airport is costing tax payers money while passenger numbers are so low? Still using deaths “related to Covid” as a scare tactic when the real cause of death is probably unrelated but the person tested positive. So clueless in so may ways, and so damaging to Bermuda’s flailing economy and mental health of its people.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Still using deaths “related to Covid” as a scare tactic when the real cause of death is probably unrelated but the person tested positive”

      Where is that speculation coming from?

      • Bdareally says:

        That’s the whole thing. I know of a family who didn’t believe their family member died from covid but you have to pay for another autopsy out of pocket and they aren’t cheap so they left it. But let’s be honest some of these people probably went hospital for complications other than covid but because the test came positive that’s what they put on the death certificate. Not saying all the deaths weren’t COVID related but I’m sure not all. How many people died weekly in the ICU prior to COVID. Probably the same numbers. Those would be interesting statistics to see.

      • Otrwele says:

        It’s not speculation.why the hell do you think they’ve been saying *covid related death”? Its obvious there are other complications. If I have cancer but die in a road traffic accident what do you think my death certificate will say huh??? It sure as hell isn’t going to say it was “cancer related” but with covid it doesn’t matter what Yiu died from completely unrelated as long as you are positive when you die then it’s counted as a covid death. This is long documented information. But becuase your media doesn’t talk about it as though they are the gospels truth then you don’t care.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Trust that the airport issue will be used as a huge stick in the run-up to the next election as a deflection from the failed economy , dead tourism , zero investor confidence in Bda and stifling debt.
      It will continue to work like a charm .

      • Question says:

        It’s now becoming clear that Safekey doesn’t protect anyone from anything, and neither does travel quarantining. The lack of tourists is now entirely a function of government restrictions. But the covid press conference last week was pathetic. They have absolutely no idea how to move forward and get out of this.

    • LOL says:

      If you don’t like it organize a march with the oba spineless circus party.

  2. aceboy says:

    Extending the EMO again? That will be slid into the end of the “measures” adjustments no doubt.

  3. Rebecca Richards says:

    Hi all, my husband and I have travel plans for Feb 23-March 9th in Bermuda. We are both vaccinated and boostered and we don’t go around a lot of people and we are quarantining for a week before we come just to make sure we not only protect ourselves but also the Bermudian people. Love the people there. I do have a question when we arrive we get tested, does anyone know how long it will take to get the results? We arrive at 1145AM. Do you think we could have the results back by end of the day?

    • Nope says:

      Not likely but you can pay for an expedited test at the airport upon arrival if you really need the result ASAP. Welcome to our home we hope you enjoy yourselves!