‘Pause For Peace, Join For Justice’ Event

March 24, 2022

The Mayor of the ‘Old Town’ will be hosting a Peace Tree Campaign event with the theme ‘Pause for Peace, Join for Justice’ at The Town Square in St George, tomorrow [March 25].

A spokesperson said, “Further to the initiative that began on March 10, 2022 with the presentation of a symbolic ‘Peace Tree’ to the Acting Governor, there will an event at The Town Square in St George, tomorrow, March 25th. The Mayor of the ‘Old Town’ will be hosting that presentation which will include the Minister of National Security – who happens to represent that constituency.

Peace Tree Campaign Bermuda March 24 2022

“The theme of the presentation, ‘Pause for Peace, Join for Justice’ reflects the importance of the date which is the Anniversary of re-election of Dr E F Gordon, in 1953, under circumstances that speak to the matter of ‘Justice’ and it also happens to be the UN Day for Remembrance of those Enslaved.

“While our community’s leverage to address the global violence that we are witnessing is limited, we do have the collective capacity to respond to the violent conflict which is evident across our Island. You would note that concurrent to the Peace Tree presentation, March 10 marked an extraordinary incident at one of our sporting clubs and at least a few ‘incidents’ have followed; unfortunately demonstrating this campaign’s relevance.

“Aware that most won’t be able to attend the presentation in St George on Friday at 1 pm, we are inviting everyone to “Pause for Peace’ – Locally & Globally, wherever they may be at that time, and reflect for a brief period on how they might promote Peace as well as ‘Join for Justice’.”

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