New Parking Layout On Ordnance Island

May 23, 2024 | 1 Comment

A new parking layout on Ordnance Island has been introduced by the Town of St. George.

A spokesperson said, “The Town of St. George has initiated a new parking layout on Ordnance Island for Taxis and Tour Buses only between 10am and 2pm daily.

“Parking is available for private vehicles in King’s Square for one hour only. Free all-day parking is available at Market Wharf Car Park and Tiger Bay Car Park. Offenders will be subject to ticketing.”

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  1. Pa says:

    Far too many unqualified Spokespersons creat policy rulings even laws to effect control and perpetuate Bermuda as the island of NO !

    New restrictive parking at Ordinance island i guess the don’t need visitors there .

    Previously we have seen excessive bike fun launch pad type speed bumps in the City of Hamilton and on York street St Georges and blind corner over kill rumble strips near St Marks Church and Crow lane all specifically designed to cause damage to cars and bikes all with out due consideration given to the consequence of such actions.

    All it takes is one rear end fatality or personal wip lash to prove the so called road improvements are futile.

    Rumble strips cause the reverse effect where drivers usualy in crease their speed .

    The latest is CCTV cameras that with out doubt that is a public insult being the thin end of the wedge ,beter served to prevent inmates from jumping the wall .

    All this mark of a dictatorial state.

    Sooner or later we will get drones with ticketing machine attached to the under belly.

    Now have uncontrolable electric buses am trailer trucks tailgaiting ,

    The busses not polute the main power startion charging of them does.

    Ever day we see trafic bike colisions with terrible consiquences no you all know why .

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