Consultation On Giant Manta Ray Until April 10th

April 5, 2022

The consultation period for the proposed addition of the Giant Manta Ray to the Protected Species Act will last until April 10th, Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said.

Minister Roban previously said, “In regards to the Giant Manta Ray, I can confirm that in Bermuda there is no fishing for this gentle and beautiful giant of the deep sea. Further we should make sure there is not any in the future and so ensure its protection, while in our waters, as a protected species under the Protected Species Act 2003.

“The protections outlined in the Fisheries [Protected Species] Amendment Order 2022, the Fisheries Amendment Regulations 2022 and the Protected Species Notice of Intention 2022 show Bermuda’s commitment to the global effort to protect important vulnerable migratory species and will also facilitate better monitoring and management of species that are actively fished and live closer to shore.

“In regards to the mandatory consultation period for the proposed addition of the Giant Manta Ray to the Protected Species Act, the public has until the 10th of April 2022 to provide comments to the Director of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources on the Protected Species Notice of Intention.”

Protected Species Bermuda April 2022

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