Video: Sri Lankans Gather To Show Support

April 10, 2022

A group of Sri Lankans living in Bermuda held a gathering today [April 10] at Victoria Park to show support and solidarity to their homeland, saying they hope the demonstration will help to send a message to the Sri Lankan Government.

According to the UK’s Guardian news, “Sri Lanka has descended into its worst financial crisis since independence, with food, fuel, medicine and electricity becoming increasingly scarce, and calls for the president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa – frequently referred to as Gota – to step down.”

CNN reports, “For Sri Lankans, the crisis has turned their daily lives into an endless cycle of waiting in lines for basic goods, many of which are being rationed. In recent weeks, shops have been forced to close because they can’t run fridges, air conditioners or fans.”

“Sri Lanka is in the midst of a foreign exchange crisis that has crippled its economy,” the BBC report. “Faced with 13-hour power cuts, a lack of fuel, essential food items and medicines, public anger has reached a new high.”

In  advance of the gathering, a spokesperson said, “Our group of Sri Lankans, living and working in Bermuda, are very concerned about recent developments in our homeland which are affecting the whole country and our families.

“We will be having a public gathering on this Sunday, April 10th at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Victoria Park. There will be one speech at the beginning to inform those in attendance about our concern and the purpose for being at Victoria Park on this occasion.

“The whole country of Sri Lanka is protesting because of increasing economic problems with a lack of cooking gas, petrol, milk powder and many other essential things that people need to survive. This has led to total chaos and we fear for our country and hope that this silent demonstration will send a message to the Sri Lankan Government and other countries and Sri Lankans world-wide that we care. We feel that the least we can do is stand up for a resolution to these issues and the safety of our people.

“We urge all political leaders in Sri Lanka to take immediate action. We fear that if constructive humanitarian efforts are not made, we could see violence and this would not be good for the country.

“So our protest will be a peaceful one and we will sign a petition from Sri Lankans in Bermuda, and concerned citizens and residents who share this concern, which we will deliver to the Governor, Premier, American Consul General and Opposition Leader of Bermuda.”

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  1. We hope that this says:

    Peaceful protest will get to those leaders who make a difference and the lives of the citizens are improved and they have what they need to live comfortably.