Premier Congratulates The Queen On Jubilee

June 3, 2022

“On the occasion of this Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, on behalf of the Government and people of Bermuda I convey warmest congratulations on this milestone,” Premier David Burt said in the House of Assembly today [June 3].

Premier Burt said, “Mr. Speaker, we often speak of a ‘lifetime of public service’ in casual terms and usually refer to careers of 30,40 or perhaps even 50 years. 70 years of service brings new meaning to the term ‘a lifetime of service.’

“The United Kingdom and the world of 1952 is a thing of the past, but today, 70 years later, there remains a common presence that has weathered those changes, withstood personal challenges, and adapted to the modern era in which we live.

“Her Majesty the Queen is a rallying symbol to many around the world. With unfailing calm and dignity. She has wowed Presidents and ordinary citizens mastered huge crowds and intimate gatherings.

“On the occasion of this Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, on behalf of the Government and people of Bermuda I convey warmest congratulations on this milestone, the like of which we will not see again for generations, and ask that this Honourable House Convey Congratulations to Her Majesty.”

Premier David Burt Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Bermuda June 2022

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  1. Dengel says:

    Burt nobody is buying this, its false, you are the trinket guy, classless.

    God save the Queen, we are proud to have you as our Queen.

  2. G S t Q says:

    just wonder the sincerity behind his words NOT. B et it hurt to say all that and plant a tree. But yesterday’s party was free. Come on Burt cut the arrogance and be gracious and humble. She is a PILLAR of Wisdom,Integrity,GENUINE care and on and on

  3. Not fooled says:

    If the Premier meant every word he said, why didn’t the government reecognise the magnitude of this occasion by declaring either today or tomorrow a public holiday?

  4. Dunn juice says:

    The hypocrite should’ve been hooked up to a shocking machine while penning this, or getting someone to lie for him.

  5. Sandgrownan says:

    Green tie, always always party first.

    He couldn’t be more lacking in class if he tried

  6. Question says:

    Without the UK, vaccines would have taken a year longer, and we would have had to buy them.
    On the horizon we can look forward to worldwide food shortages. Thanks goodness we can get assistance if we need it.