OBA Name Jarion Richardson As Deputy Leader

July 24, 2022

Jarion Richardson Bermuda Dec 21 2020The One Bermuda Alliance announced that Jarion Richardson — the MP for Constituency 23 Paget West — is now the party’s new Deputy Leader.

Party Chair Catherine Kempe states, “MP Richardson’s unwavering commitment to service and to the community is admirable.

“Jarion has served the party with vigour, first as a Senator now as the Opposition Whip on the Lower House and Shadow Minister for Labour and for the Cabinet Office. I am very happy to see him step forward into this role and wish him every success.”

Mr Richardson says: “I am committed to the growth and success of the OBA as we continue to work hard for the people. I feel the time has now come for me to offer even more of myself to the party, which is why I am happy to undertake the role of Deputy Leader.

“I look forward to working collaboratively with our Leader, the Hon Cole Simons, JP, MP, our executive and the party as a whole.”


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  1. watching says:

    He’s coming for you Cole!

  2. DSimmons says:

    I think Jarion should replace Cole. Time for new leadership.

  3. JAWS says:

    CV Jim Woolridge UBP deputy premier and tourism minister stated in his book some famous words. “Those little white boys don’t mind you being in charge as long as they can tell you what to do”

    Jarion do yourself and the country a favor start your own 3rd party similar to the BDA party. The BDA consisted of whites & black Bermudians working as one. We currently have 2 Bermudas….. remember Jim’s words.

  4. iyiyi says:

    Time for a new party which could possibly include Jarion …. a few experienced newcomers and also a few PLP existing and discarded members of both parties.
    Just saying anything is better than what we have now !
    It cannot get any worse for sure !!!

  5. Rigobert says:

    I don’t think Cole has done anything wrong, the problem is generationally he is associated with the old guard, and that will be tough to displace.

    There are a few truisms here. Firstly the PLP are doing an awful job, just awful. But with Bermuda voting on racial lines – as sad as that is, you need a dreadful PLP alongside an effective OBA to effect change, and any country needs change.

    The most effective OBA politician is arguably Dunkley, he is experienced, actually did a really good job before (the PLP threw the AC at him which time has proved to be successful) but he is white and seasoned. That says more about Bermuda than him.

    So Jarion. Clearly bright, and without baggage. Give him a go, christ he can’t do worse than the current dictator.

    • Ray says:

      “I don’t think Cole has done anything wrong”

      YOU MEAN COLE HASN’T DONE ANYTHING AT ALL. Mr. Dunkley is the only one that shakes the very walls of the PLP. He needs to be selected as the next leader.

  6. Triangle Drifter says:

    So, who is Jarion? What is his background, education, career etc.? Really don’t care about what sport he might have excelled in or where he grew up.

    • Answer says:

      It doesn’t matter anymore specially after having a spokesman in the party that packs shelves at the grocery store speaking for the OBA.

    • PBanks says:

      Sounds like the sort of questions that may be answered on his party’s website. If they’re not then maybe he/the party has work to do in promoting himself.

  7. watching says:

    How do the OBA actually select their leaders/deputy leaders?
    I know the PLP has a delegates conference where the candidates present themselves and are voted on but do we really even know how Cole Simons and Jarion Richardson were selected for these positions? Would be nice for the OBA to show some transparency in this regard.

    • Unbelievable says:

      Lol just read their by-laws or constitution.