Column: ‘Truss Admin Will Be Harmful To OTs’

August 3, 2022

[Opinion column written by Chris Famous]

Meet The Right Honourable Mary Elizabeth Truss aka Liz Truss. Currently, Secretary of State for Foreign Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom.

According to most polls and bookmakers, by early September, she will be the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom [UK] and its Overseas Colonies [OTs].

She will be the the fourth Conservative Party Leader since 2016.

Not necessarily based on merit, as the other contender, former Chancellor Rishi Sunak is heads above her in debates, fiscal knowledge and pragmatism. Nevertheless, due to populism and other questionable reasons, many Conservative party Ministers, MPs, and members, are leaning strongly towards her.

Mary Elizabeth Truss Bermuda August 2022

Recently, here is what she has publicly stated that she plans to do over the first few months of coming into office.

Margaret Thatcher reborn

On August 1st, during a televised presentation in Exeter, she stated that she would cut the pay of UK civil servants.

Her own words, “wage war on Whitehall waste.” Her plans included moving government workers to the North of England and slashing their pay. Additionally, scrapping jobs that provided “diversity and inclusion” and cutting pay for persons attending to union business.

Surprise surprise, less than 12 hours later, not unlike the rudderless Boris Johnson, she made a U-Turn on that decision. No doubt when her fellow MPs reminded her that Civil Servants and their families actually vote.

She also made the bold declaration that she would ignore the will of the Scottish People re their Self-Determination. She went on to say this about the democratically elected leader of the second largest nation in the UK; “I think the best thing to do with Nicola Sturgeon is ignore her.” “She’s an attention seeker, that’s what she is.”

Pot meets Kettle.

Perhaps, just perhaps, she forgot that the people of Scotland overwhelmingly voted for Nicola Sturgeon in multiple elections?

Not satisfied with waging war on civil servants, and the people of Scotland, she has also set her sights on organised labour. She has proposed legislation that will make striking “borderline illegal” and allowing non-unionised workers to replace unionised workers.

This would affect the following workers; teachers, postal workers, transport workers, and energy sector workers.

This was the reply from the unions: “The biggest attack on trade union and civil rights since labour unions were legalised in 1871”

Once again, it seems Liz Truss has forgotten that union members vote.


What does this have to do with the people of the OTs you ask?

If she and her compatriots are willing to do this to their very own; English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish people, then you can imagine what they have in store for those of us the places the consider colonies.

We saw what the Theresa May administration was attempting to deport most of the Windrush Generation of Caribbean persons in 2018.

We also see the attempts of Boris Johnson administration, in 2019 onward, to force the OTs to have their UK citizens vote in our elections. She is the very same minister threatening direct rule in the Virgin Islands.

Clearly, a Liz Truss administration will be even more harmful to all the Overseas Colonies.

As the saying goes; “Out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

- PLP MP Chris Famous

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  1. People That Live i Glass Houses says:

    We don’t need to worry about her. The PLP has done a great job destroying BDA through their own policies, laws, taxes and spending.

    Please Chris. Stop with the diversion tactics that the PLP have become so good at. Like Janet Jackson says…”what have you done for me lately” We used to be number one in many categories like best country to live in, best country to work in. Now the only thing we are rated number one in is, most expensive country to live in. That is a literal fact. You literally can not do any worse now – at least I hop not.

    Please, just do your jobs, do what you were elected to do. Get rid of your many stagnant career politicians that have floated between parties. Spend less time writing opinion pieces and get to work fixing Bermuda. The voters did not vote for politicians so that they could write articles, do your jobs and let the career reporters do theirs.

  2. You get what you are given says:

    Plp has no committee or plan so be happy with whatever we will get.Deal with our issues
    No plan to reduce debt.
    No plan to improve the current situation with black males.Call Boris what u want he had a plan. And the PLP is rudderless on so many issues it is actually shipwrecked. Liz Truss had and has nothing to do with that.

  3. Lou Perry says:

    “Not necessarily based on merit, as the other contender, former Chancellor is heads above her in debates, fiscal knowledge and pragmatism. Nevertheless, due to populism and other questionable reasons”

    This sounds like the UK is having its own Curtis Dickinson moment!!

    Bring back Curtis as PLP leader.

    PS. When are we getting our independence vote to escape the UK? Anyone? Anyone ? Big on bluster weak on substance,the PLP can’t put their money where their journalistic imagination takes then.

  4. Thomas Famous says:

    “The voters did not vote for politicians so that they could write articles, do your jobs and let the career reporters do theirs.”

    Part of being a politician is knowing local, regional, and international issues. Especially the issues that have a knock-on effect on our country.

    The Boris Johnson administration has hurt our economy.

    Perhaps you forget when we wrote about the negativity of Public Registers of Beneficial Ownership?

    Most “local” reporters only cover “local” news.