Joint Letter: United Nations Peace Day

September 20, 2022

A joint letter has been issued supporting the United Nation Peace Day tomorrow [Sept 21].

The letter says, “We, the undersigned, join in supporting the United Nation Peace Day, Wednesday, September 21, 2022. The theme selected for 2022 by the UN is End Racism. Build Peace.

“The theme selection is based on the premise that transforming racism would foster peace at home and abroad by addressing a significant root cause of conflict.

“The United Nations Secretary General – Antonio Gutteres – has been sounding the alarm regarding the urgency of the current level of global conflict. On August 1, 2022, Gutteres warned that ‘humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.’

“On August 27, 2022, Secretary Gutteres expressed disappointment that countries were unable to reach a consensus on a substantive outcome after a four-week UN conference reviewing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. He appealed for all states ‘to use every avenue of dialogue, diplomacy and negotiations to ease tensions.’

“Promoting peace locally is essential given the sustained cycle of violence. As global citizens, we join in championing peaceful means to address conflict.

“Bermuda happened to be the venue for a summit on December 3, 1953 which included President Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and the Prime Minster of France, which proved pivotal in leveraging world peace. Eisenhower announced the outcomes soon after at the United Nations on December 8.

“On Wednesday, September 21, 20022, the UN invites all countries to participate in the global peace wave. This involves one minute of silence at noon to reflect on world peace as time zones domino, cascading around the globe.

“At 6.00pm, Bermuda is invited to join X-Roads F.C Peace Games and the Bermuda Committee on Human Fraternity in a Walk/Run 4 Peace starting at Warrior Park at the junction of Somerset and Harrington Sound Roads [Devil’s Hole].

“Signed By [alphabetically]:

  • Bermuda Committee on Human Fraternity
  • Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB]
  • Imagine Bermuda
  • Dianna Kemp – retired lawyer
  • Alex Scott
  • Sir John Swan
  • Kristin White – activist”

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