Video: Beyond Plastic ‘Champions Of Change’

October 15, 2022

Beyond Plastic Bermuda has launched a new campaign to heighten the community’s awareness of the detrimental effect single-use plastics have on our island and our health.

Beyond Plastic Champions Of Change Bermuda October 15, 2022

A spokesperson said, “Beyond Plastic is very proud to have connected with a diverse group of Bermuda’s change makers, innovators, and voices that support a healthier island, without plastic waste, and a healthier community, without plastic in our food.

“Beyond Plastic encourages all residents to be part of the change for a healthier community by refusing single-use plastic offered and to bring their own shopping bags, coffee cups, containers and utensils for takeout, refillable water bottles and choosing tin or glass bottled drinks instead of plastic. Because, A Little Change, Makes a Big Difference.

“Take 2 minutes to hear what our Bermudian ‘Champions of Change’ have to say about single-use plastic.”

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    How about these champions provide us with an audit of all the plastic they have in their homes?

    How much more EXPENSIVE will goods shipped to Bermuda be if say heavy glass containers were used instead of lightweight plastic containers?

    What about single-use MEDICAL supplies? Quadriplegics use plastic straws for drinking, hospitals use throwaway plastic straws, plastic cups, medical supplies, etc.

    How about this group build a plastic RECYCLING facility and recycle plastic into items like park tables & benches? Patio furniture? Fence posts and boards? Etc. Now there is a business opportunity. Move forward in your thinking instead of trying to push everyone else backward.