RA Invite Feedback On Proposed Methodologies

October 5, 2022

The Regulatory Authority is inviting the public and other interested parties to comment on proposed methodologies under consideration for calculating the Feed-in Tariff [FiT].

A spokesperson said, “The FiT is the pre-determined rate at which renewable energy is purchased by BELCO from residential or commercial distributed generators [“DGs”], for the excess electricity they generate and feed into the BELCO grid.

“At the end of the consultation process, the RA will issue a revised version of the General Determination [“GD”], which sets the FiT methodology.

“To read the proposed Feed-in Tariff Methodology document, go to www.ra.bm and click ‘Respond to an Open Consultation on or before 11:59 p.m. on October 24, 2022.”

The Review of Feed-In Tariff Methodology GD Consultation Document follows below [PDF here]:

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