Government House Reappoints Alexander White

February 6, 2023

Alexander White Bermuda Dec 2019Government House has reappointed Alexander White as the Privacy Commissioner for Bermuda for a further term of 5 years.

A Government House spokesperson said, “Government House has announced the reappointment of Mr Alexander White as the Privacy Commissioner for Bermuda. Mr White has been reappointed for a further term of five years. This reappointment follows an open and competitive recruitment process and a recommendation received from the advisory panel established to interview the candidates.”

Governor Rena Lalgie said: “The role of the Privacy Commissioner is vital to good governance and ensuring that Bermuda meets international privacy requirements. Since his appointment in 2020, Mr White has established the office of the Privacy Commissioner and built the foundations for a successful data protection environment in Bermuda.

“With his reappointment, Mr White will continue to monitor how the Act is administered and will continue to develop public awareness of the rights of individuals and the obligations of organisations under the Personal Information Protection Act.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    What a joke. Most of the Personal Information Protection Act has not been brought into force. Why do we need a Privacy Commissioner for a law that does nothing?

  2. Numa says:

    So when will the Guidance Notes be released? What is going on over there? Having tea parties and not even enforcing a law that rest of the world is acting on? Bermuda must be the only jurisdiction not taking Privacy seriously. A tea party?? Gotta be friggin kidding me.