OBA: ‘Reconsider Closing Of This School’

March 30, 2023

Ben Smith Bermuda February 2020“The One Bermuda Alliance has consulted with families who live in the parish and activists who are protesting this decision and would advise that the Government pause and reconsider the closing of this school,” Opposition Senate Leader Ben Smith, the Shadow Education Minister, said in reference to West End Primary.

Senator Smith said, “Since the publication of the Ministry of Education’s ‘Parish Primary School Decisions’ in July 2021, eight primary schools have been slated to close, with the purpose of creating Parish Primary Schools.

“The One Bermuda Alliance has agreed with this initiative due to Bermuda’s declining birthrate, the mass exodus of students from the Bermuda Public School System to enroll in private schools and the number of families emigrating because of the escalating cost of living under the Progressive Labour Party Government.

“But the methodology used to determine which schools would get the axe was faulty and gave minimal importance to the cultural and historical legacy of schools that are the cornerstones of our communities.

“Two points extracted from this publication resonate with educators and residents.

  • 1. The vision is for each parish primary school to become the hub of its parish
  • 2. Honouring and preserving the history and legacy of primary schools will be a critical part of the community-involved process of transition and implementation to the new model…

“West End Primary School’s physical location and its social symbolism as a beachhead against racial segregation serves as a memorial to those who braved discrimination to educate thousands of Black people through the years, makes it a natural hub of Sandys parish.

“Although it scored a mere five percentile points behind Somerset Primary School in the Ministry’s decision-making matrix [Proposal for the Introduction of Primary Schools December 2020], its cultural significance as the oldest school in the western hemisphere is being ignored.

“With such a long and rich history of educating racially disadvantaged students makes its impending closure puzzling.

“The One Bermuda Alliance has consulted with families who live in the parish and activists who are protesting this decision and would advise that the Government pause and reconsider the closing of this school. It is time to listen to the residents of the Sandys community and make an exception for the sake of present and future generations.”

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  1. watching says:

    Typical OBA. They are only standing with the West End Warriors because they see the politics behind it. Most in the OBA likely have no clue where the school even is.

  2. Honestly says:

    I would have to agree with you “watching.” They have no agenda! They decide to hop on the bandwagon. Look at the logic in why the school is closing!

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Look at the logic in why the school is closing!”

      What “logic”?

      I hear what the politicians are saying, but the truth is rarely what comes out of a politician’s mouth.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    Don’t understand why the OBA is jumping on this bandwagon. The protesters will not vote OBA, no how, no way.

    Closing a school that is not needed makes perfect sense. Get over it. Ever driven through a typical US or Canadian small town? There is one elementary school, Junior high school & one high school.

    Realistically the number of schools should be cut even further.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Ever driven through a typical US or Canadian small town? There is one elementary school, Junior high school & one high school.”

      I have driven through plenty of small towns. Whilst most small towns have a primary school, it often happens that one high school serves several towns. It is easier with dedicated school busses.

    • Answer says:

      The OBA is jumping on because quite frankly it’s full of clowns and jokers that continue to keep the voters laughing. The only two that get respect from voters are Jarrion and the Milkman. The rest of the circus needs to be replaced or challenge for their seats…. starting with Jet Gate Craig.