Fairmont Southampton SDO Available To View

April 12, 2023

The Ministry of Home Affairs advised that the Fairmont Southampton Special Development Order [SDO] submission has been received and is available for viewing online.

The submission summary states, “Proposed Maximum 261 Unit Tourism/Residential Development Comprising up to 114 Tourism and 147 Residential Units Contained Within Buildings of 2 to 6 Storeys with Associated Access Roads, Vehicle Parking and Modifications to Golf Course (In-Principle Approval Sought).”

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Home Affairs can advise that the Fairmont Southampton Special Development Order [SDO] submission, which includes an Environmental Impact Statement, has been received and is available for viewing at the Department of Planning’s Customer Self Service [CSS] portal.

“A hard copy is also available at the Department of Planning front desk, in the Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building, 5th Floor.

“A notice has been placed in the online Official Gazette, which includes the submission details and instructions for objecting and submitting representation. It will be necessary to have a CSS account in order to comment on the submission.

“Per the established procedures on the gazette notice, we invite the public to submit feedback within 21 days, ending 3 May 2023.”

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    This has nothing to do with a hotel refurb, but a massive real estate deal paid for by the Bermuda taxpayers with the obscene profits taken out of Bermuda tax free, probably less a percentage paid to ?. Guess who controls the price of cement and aggregate. Why aren’t the PLP voters not marching to stop the sale of Bermuda to foreigners??

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Why aren’t the PLP voters not marching to stop the sale of Bermuda to foreigners??”

      Because it is only a bad thing when Bermuda is sold to foreigners under the OBA.

      When Bermuda is sold to foreigners under the PLP (like the sale of Cambridge Beaches to an American company), there is nothing wrong.

      • Toodle-oo says:

        Don’t forget the Bank of Bermuda and BELCO .

        • Joe Bloggs says:

          Cambridge Beaches was only last year. Bank of Bermuda was 20 years ago or thereabouts. Belco was recent though. Good catch.

          • Toodle-oo says:

            Regardless of the time frame , under who’s watch did they all happen ?

  2. Dejavu says:

    Why would bermuda need more houses when whole generations have left the country never to return

  3. Our tourism product needs an immediate upgrade at horse shoe beach , there needs a fast food vendor enlargement …I personally would ask for vendors who are serious about being there and with food freezers (portable) to set up along that entrance all that walkway needs expansion.
    We need a plan…so consult disney or universal studios soon…brand Bermuda…but ask the experts…please.

  4. Currently having to eplain to guests why ,;- a). There is a blue tarpoline roof over a blue colour , color dwelling on main road in crawl . Is that even legal?
    b). Trees growing through roof at Somerset cricket club turning .
    C). Tree growing through roof in Somerset village.
    People are asking questions , most of them visitors. I have to question this because it is embarrassing , to have to answer as to why this is acceptable state of building code . Please advise ….so I know what to say.

  5. No! says:

    It looks like a cement jungle.

    Who is making their fortune off of this disaster?

    I am normal all for progress, I’m dying to see Hamilton developed into a world class tourism city. But the SHP proposal is a huge housing complex with an outdated hotel in the background. Honestly, knock down the SouthP and develop that lot into the amazing destination hotel that it could be, the views are untouchable.

    DO NOT let this concrete jungle ruin our Island!!!

    Where are the protests? Where is the marching in the streets?