CBA Student Thrives In Construction Program

May 1, 2023

Arrianna Packwood-Darrell April 2023[Written by CedarBridge S4 student Ambika Anderson]

Arrianna Packwood-Darrell is an S3 student at CedarBridge Academy who consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic.

During the pandemic, Ms. Packwood-Darrell enrolled in CedarBridge Academy’s National Center for Construction Education and Research [NCCER] Program. Due to the pandemic, students were required to be online, which made learning more difficult; but, Arrianna, the lone female in her NCCER Core Curriculum class, did not back down from the task.

Arrianna completed the NCCER Core Program in her first year, earning her Construction Site Safety Orientation [Basic Safety] and NCCER Core Curriculum Certification. Ms. Packwood Darrell maintained a ninetieth percentile average in the NCCER Core program and was exceptional in her practical performance tasks. The NCCER Core Curriculum includes Introduction to Basic Safety, Construction Mathematics, Introduction to Hand and Power Tools, Basic Employability, Basic Communication Skills, and Materials Handling.

Ms. Packwood-Darrell stated, “Now that I’m doing practicals, I’m really enjoying it.” When I first enrolled in the class, it was not out of love; it was a spur-of-the-moment decision and I have no regrets.”

“We’re doing Electrical Conduit Bending, which is extremely dynamic and interesting,” Arrianna continued. “It requires a solid understanding of construction math especially trigonometry and geometry.”

She also talked about some of the class projects she worked on, such as electrical circuits. She emphasized that having strong physical strength, agility, and balance is beneficial for performing these responsibilities. Some of the bends are 90 Degree, Back-to-Back, Offset, Saddle Bends and Parallel Offset Bends.

When asked what it’s like to be the only girl in class, Arrianna answered, “Being the only girl in class doesn’t deter or bother me because I’m treated equally, just like any other student. We are all learning the same material, but if I require more assistance than others, it is always provided. The only disadvantage of being the only girl in the class is that it can be noisy at times.”

Arrianna remarked, “My advice to other girls is to join the class because having a trade in life can take you far and no one can take your profession away from you, and you’re never out of employment. As an added bonus, Mr. Clarke makes NCCER enjoyable. His lessons are interesting; for example, he allows us to utilize an app called ‘Senar’ to assist us with our assignments on inspection of the personal fall arrest system and Ladder use.”

Arrianna emphasized that no one stays a teenager forever. There are decisions that must be made in life, and paths that need to be traveled if we are going to be successful.

When it comes to making decisions about one’s life and professional ambitions, the young and talented Arrianna Packwood-Darrell revealed that she wants to pursue a career in childcare. NCCER will be her trade skill, but her primary concentration is Childcare. The key advice Arrianna wishes to share with anyone considering enrolling in the course is to be open-minded, listen-attentively, be willing to put in the work, and have fun.

Mr. Clarke, Arrianna’s NCCER teacher, was asked what he thinks of his student. He stated, “Arrianna is an exceptional student who has maintained an ‘A’ average in the course and continues to be a role model student. She is not scared to take on practical tasks, and she is very committed both practically and theoretically. Arrianna is well-mannered, and her peers admire and respect her.

“Her problem-solving and communication abilities are outstanding; there is no doubt that she will excel in any technical field, and the courses she is pursuing through the NCCER pathway will undoubtedly prepare her for greatness. We will continue to work with Arrianna in order for her to obtain the NCCER Electrical Level One Certification by the time she graduates in June of 2024.”

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