Centenarians To Be Celebrated At Mothers’ Day

May 11, 2023

Centenarians will be celebrated at the Strength for the Journey Mothers’ Day Celebration event.

The event will honour three women – Dr. Dorothy Mathews Paynter, Emily Eva Outerbridge, and Myrtle Burrows – all of whom are more than 100 years old.

A spokesperson said, “We are excited and look forward to celebrating mothers who have dedicated their life to caring for their families for over 100 years.

“The honourees will receive special awards and we will highlight their life journey through written bios from their children.

“We will also feature a local artists showcase along with a wonderful delicious lunch with all of the trimmings.

“The lunch and showcase is $75; tickets can be purchased at PTIX.bm.”

Centenarians To Be Celebrated At Mothers' Day May 2023

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