Paget Parish Scholarship Deadline On May 31st

May 25, 2023

The Paget Parish Council said they wish “to extend a reminder for eligible students to apply for the Paget Parish Undergraduate Scholarship or the Robert J. Wright Scholarship.

A spokesperson said, “Both applications must be submitted through the national portal, and have an associated deadline of May 31.

“The Paget Parish Undergraduate scholarship has a maximum value of $5,000 and can be applied towards studies at an accredited overseas University.

“The Robert J. Wright scholarship has a maximum value of $3,200 and can be applied towards studies undertaken at the Bermuda College.

“Scholarships are based on academic excellence and along with demonstrating financial need, Bermudian students must have been residents of Paget for a minimum of five years.

“The Paget Parish Council is fortunate to be able to do beneficial work and provide scholarships for Parish residents through the management of and revenues gained from the Red Hole dock berths and boatyard. Legislated in 1954 as the Paget Waterlot Act, this property, which was generously left in trust to the Council by the late Mr. Onley and Mrs. Cornelia Jones to provide waterfront access to Paget residents, forms the funding basis that allows the Council to do beneficial work in the Parish.

“The Paget Parish Council is a Government appointed body, currently comprised of 9 members who are Paget residents and serve the community for the benefit of all residents of Paget. The nine Parish Councils fall under the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport, and follow the mandate as set out in the Parish Councils Act 1971.

“Applicants who have questions are invited to email the Council email”

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