Photos: Committee Visits Bermudiana Beach

May 18, 2023

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Development paid a visit to the Bermudiana Beach Resort in Warwick this week to witness the progress made at the site.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Cabinet Committee on Economic Development, led by Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, paid a visit to the Bermudiana Beach Resort in Warwick this week to witness the progress made at the site.

“The Premier was accompanied by Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs the Hon. Walter Roban, JP, MP, Minister of Public Works, Lt. Col. the Hon. David A. Burch, OBE [Mil], ED, JP, MP, Minister of Tourism and the Cabinet Office the Hon. Vance Campbell, Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs the Hon. Kathy Lynn Simmons, JP, Bermuda Housing Corporation General Manager Paul Martin and other officials.

“The site visit provided an opportunity to assess the resort’s development firsthand and celebrate the efforts to bring this facility to fruition.”

DPremier Burt said, “The Bermudiana Beach Resort is poised to become a critical expansion of the product in support of Bermuda’s tourism industry. The progress we witnessed today is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all involved.”

Minister of Public Works Lt. Col. David Burch echoed the Premier’s sentiments, “emphasising the project’s significance for Bermuda’s infrastructure and economy.”

He remarked, “The development of the Bermudiana Beach Resort represents a milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance Bermuda’s tourism sector.I commend the teamwork and commitment demonstrated by our construction partners.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The development of the Bermudiana Beach Resort represents a milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance Bermuda’s tourism sector.I commend the teamwork and commitment demonstrated by our construction partner”

    If the idea were such a great one, private industry would be developing the site, not a Bermuda Government quango (the Bermuda Housing Corporation).

    • Karen says:

      Shouldn’t you be more busy trying to find more surrogates to front for the UBPoba? You know since the ones that helped you win the election so many times in the past finally woke up and made a swift exit. Jarion will be the next front man to lose the next elections.

  2. what says:

    These were built by the PLP as lower cost (not low income) condos for first time house buyers. Only one sold (from memory). Many attribute this to the fear of the cliff erosion, and the bang for your buck on buying one. the cliff erosion was pointed out by the public and was a concern. Effectively this is just another PLP disaster.

  3. hannah says:

    Is this the development just down from the old swizzle Inn on South Shore

  4. maddog says:

    I notice there are no photos of the beautifully destroyed cliff face and beach below – and now you want to destroy southlands too….please leave something beautifully natural for our children to enjoy. You are making an absolute irresponsible mess of our island. Our visitors already see concrete walls and parking lots where they live – you think they are going to go on vacation to a place that looks the same?

  5. Trufth says:

    How many coats of lipstick are we going to put on this pig???

  6. Ringmaster says:

    When is the new, revised yet again, proposed opening? From the pictures we’ll be lucky if it’s 2025 and it’s been 2 years, or is it 3, so far? This is for 50 rooms, so SP is probably looking at 2027 or 2028.

  7. Marine Life says:

    More Government Blunders.
    We have Apt. blocks or clusters dotting the Island that look just like this. And they call this a resort?! It doesn’t look fancy to me. I would want a regular hotel or boutique hotel, not something like this.