Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council

May 14, 2023

Premier David Burt attended the annual Joint Ministerial Council [JMC] Meeting with elected Leaders of the Overseas Territories last week and a Joint Communique was issued at the conclusion of the meetings.

A Government spokesperson said, ” last week, the Premier, the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, attended the annual Joint Ministerial Council [JMC] Meeting with elected Leaders of the Overseas Territories. The meetings took place in the UK and were chaired by the Rt. Hon. Lord Goldsmith, Minister of Overseas Territories.

“The Joint Ministerial Council is the highest political forum between the UK Government and Governments of the Overseas Territories. As an outcome of the JMC, please find attached the Joint Communique which was issued on behalf of the attendees at the conclusion of the meetings.”

As it pertains specifically to Bermuda, the Joint Communique notes, “We welcome the Turks and Caicos Islands and Anguilla as the newest members of the Blue Belt family, and we welcome Bermuda’s participation in the Blue Belt Ocean Shield initiative.”

It also stated, “The Overseas Territories welcomed progress in implementing the long-awaited reforms
to the NHS Quota system, which now offers greater flexibility and access and for the first time includes Ascension, Tristan da Cunha, Pitcairn, Cayman and Bermuda.”

Premier David Burt and other OT Leaders at the Joint Ministerial Council [JMC]

Joint Ministerial Council Bermuda May 14 2023 (1)

Joint Ministerial Council Bermuda May 14 2023 (2)

The full 2023 UK and Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council details follows below [PDF here]:

click here banner British Overseas Territories

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  1. Real Deal says:

    We are Not Free little Bermuda aka Seed of Atlantis. in order to function as the 3rd EyE of the World that starts the TRUE awakening process of the Body aka the World/Earth by guiding the Heart aka the Europe we must be Free to SEE and Set our own Example not influenced by the current weaken state of the Heart only then can We heal and guild the Heart starting the process of World Wide Awakening by Strengthening the Core aka Africa so that the Brain aka the Americas and the Liver aka Asia can Heal an start to function correctly in the interest of the whole Body

    Become Free to spread our wings and Ascend to the Heavens little Long-tail be Free like the song/words of the Great Kiskadee and Rise from and over come the Past like the Cahow to become and remain Loyal to Finding and Understanding God the Creator’s Will just like the Mallard

    All the Life on Earth our little Brother and sisters are waiting for the EYE just as my eye has awaken de iEyEi

    - Thoth of Atlantis aka the second coming of the Christ

  2. Robert Fraser Keill says:

    You might want to put down that spliff and clear your head!

    • Real Deal says:

      the interface dose not seem to reflect this as reply to my comment however with no other comments here if this is directed at my comment:
      what is your reasoning behind your assessment and suggestion?