Video: Bermuda Flag Shown At King’s Coronation

May 6, 2023

The Bermuda flag was shown during the procession for the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla today [May 6] in London.

Bermuda Flag King Charles III Coronation May 6, 2023_2

Governor Rena Lalgie and Premier David Burt attended the event, along with a delegation of 14 soldiers and officers from the Royal Bermuda Regiment that will accompany the King during his procession along with service personnel from Britain and across the Commonwealth.

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  1. Hey says:

    Always good to see our flag, especially good at a global event!

  2. Jonathan Land Evans says:

    A proper Bermuda flag should have been used on such an occasion, not one with an oversized crest.

  3. Gerald says:

    For realwhat this s–t got to do with us ?? Only freemans love this sh–..and its not our flag it right!! Delta

    • Larry says:

      What’s our flag look like Gerald?