‘Walk Through History’ Event Set For May 21

May 19, 2023

A ‘Walk Through History’ event will take place on May 21, celebrating the anniversaries of several island schools.

A spokesperson said, “The current launch of the collaborative initiative towards Bermuda becoming a ‘Learning Island’ is a community-wide invitation for all to join in fostering collective learning about our shared past and the lessons offered by that legacy. As all of us commit to mindfully sustain a learning mode, we will readily embrace those challenges for the opportunity they offer.

“Below are some germane quotes from various educational leaders in the community.

“There is an African proverb that says ‘if we stand tall, it is because we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors.”

Minister of Education Diallo Rabain said, “The recording and telling of our history is important as it not only gives us an appreciation for the past, it also helps guide the future. The passion for understanding, valuing, and appreciating the evolution of the history of Education in Bermuda is something that we all should share and embrace. As the Minister of Education, I applaud this initiative and look forward to future similar events as we progress the Ministry of Education’s History and Legacy project.”

Dave Horan, Principal of Warwick Academy, said, “The ‘Walk Through History’ is an opportunity to access some important stories from Bermuda’s shared legacy which are not easily accessible in our books.”

Riki Teteina, Head of School at Somersfield Academy, said, “Understanding the unique history of a society enables us to build a better future.  I’m excited to learn more about the historical foundations of education in Bermuda.”

Julie Rousseau, Head of School at Saltus, said, “A ‘Walk Through History’ celebrates the important cultural tapestry that shapes our island, reminding us that learning of the past helps us shape a better present and future. It is important to honour Bermuda’s rich history, embrace diversity, and foster a deep appreciation for our collective heritage.”

Kenneth Caesar, Principal of CedarBridge Academy, said, “This initiative to promote collaborative learning across our community – including a focus on those qualities of character demonstrated by overcoming challenges of the past – will foster a culture that benefits our society, both in formal and informal ways.”

The spokesperson said, “During the ‘Walk Through History’ on Sunday, May 21, starting at 4.30pm at Christ Church Devonshire, we will be celebrating significant milestones of three local schools. These include the 175th anniversary of Elliot Primary and the 125th anniversary of Berkeley.

“In addition, over this weekend, Victor Scott Primary – aka Central School – will be marking its 90th anniversary. This school was the first purpose-built school of the local Government and facilitated the amalgamation of a number of small legacy schools, which came together to the eventual benefit of the community. Three of the four founders of the Bermuda Union of Teachers – Edith Crawford, Matilda Crawford, and Rufus Stovell – became deputy principals at that large, well organized-facility with successful outcomes.”

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