17 Educators Complete Induction Programme

June 12, 2023

Seventeen educators – Romeika Brangman, Patrick Calow, Asia Denkins, Kenneth Dill, Dee-AH Iris, Sophia Iris, Michelle Law, Celine Morton, Juma Mouchette, Julie Peets, Renee’ Riley, April Roach-Maule, Kelli Robinson, Alexis Smith, Quin-sae Smith, Katrina Stowe, and Letitia Williams — completed the Bermuda Teacher Induction Programme.

“Seventeen committed educators celebrated their successful completion of the Bermuda Teacher Induction Programme. These dedicated teachers were honoured for their growth and resilience throughout the programme, under the theme, ‘Coming in Hot: Pandemic or not!’” said the Minister of Education Diallo Rabain.

“Congratulations to Romeika Brangman, Patrick Calow, Asia Denkins, Kenneth Dill, Dee-AH Iris, Sophia Iris, Michelle Law, Celine Morton, Juma Mouchette, Julie Peets, Renee’ Riley, April Roach-Maule, Kelli Robinson, Alexis Smith, Quin-sae Smith, Katrina Stowe, and Letitia Williams.”

Bermuda Teacher Induction Programme June 2023

“Despite facing unprecedented challenges, the cohort embarked on their mentoring journey with unwavering determination, connecting with their mentors and students through screens when the programme began in 2020.

“They exemplified adaptability and flexibility in accommodating the ever-evolving COVID-19 protocols and displayed their readiness to embrace change and further their personal and professional growth.

Minister Rabain concluded, “On behalf of the Government of Bermuda, I express my heartfelt congratulations and deepest gratitude to the cohort. This day marked not only the completion of a programme but also the beginning of a new chapter in their professional lives.

“Challenges may arise, but the resilience and determination demonstrated by these educators will equip them to overcome any hurdle they may face.

“Our educators are an inspiration as they shape the future leaders of Bermuda.”

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  1. Congrats says:

    And thank you for improving and giving your best to our children.