BPS & BRP Celebrate Officers’ Achievements

June 30, 2023

The Bermuda Police Service [BPS] and the Bermuda Reserve Police [BRP] recently recognised nine officers – two for their promotion, three for their voluntary long service culminating in retirement, and four for completing their initial voluntary policing training.

A police spokesperson said, “At a ceremony held on Wednesday, June 28, the Bermuda Police Service and the Bermuda Reserve Police recognised nine officers – two for their promotion [one to Inspector, the other to Sergeant], three for their voluntary long service culminating in retirement and four for completing their initial voluntary policing training.

“Dignitaries, family, friends, and colleagues were in attendance at the Police Recreation Club hall in Prospect, Devonshire for the occasion.

Promotion of BPS Sergeant M. Jn Pierre, Inspector S. Tankard photo [front row, left to right]: Assistant Commissioner Martin Weekes, Minister of National Security the Hon. Michael Weeks JP MP, Commissioner of Police Darrin Simons, Permanent Secretary for National Security Lt. Col. Edward Lamb [Ret.] and Assistant Commissioner Antoine Daniels. Back row [left to right]: Sergeant Marina Jn Pierre and Inspector Sharnita Tankard

Promotion of BPS Sergeant M Jn Pierre Inspector S Tankard 28 June 2023

“The newly promoted BPS officers are:

  • Inspector 709 Sharnita Tankard
  • Sergeant 2381 Marina Jn Pierre

“Inspector Tankard and Sergeant Jn Pierre were officially promoted by Commissioner of Police Darrin Simons. A female loved one of each officer, invited from the audience by Commissioner Simons, assisted him with putting epaulettes on the relevant officer’s shoulders, signifying their new rank.

“Inspector Tankard joined the BPS in 1987 as a Cadet and then became a Constable in 1989. She was later promoted to Sergeant in 2009. She has worked as a parish officer, but most of her career to date has been involved in the specialised investigation of crimes relating to the exploitation of children, locating missing persons as well as handling cases of senior abuse and neglect, within the Vulnerable Persons Unit.

“Inspector Tankard also offers her technical expertise to the Serious Crime Unit during sensitive investigations, while providing support to relevant Government and community agencies.

Retirement of BRP Constables Fleming, Rawlins and Amory photo [front row, left to right]: Reserve Inspector Shawn Russell, Minister of National Security the Hon. Michael Weeks JP MP, Commandant Ron-Michel Davis, Permanent Secretary for National Security Lt. Col. Edward Lamb [Ret.] and Acting Deputy Commandant Mikkel Harris. Back row [left to right]: Retired Reserve Constables Clayton Fleming, Carmel Amory and Millard Rawlins.

Retirement of BRP Constables Fleming Rawlins Amory 28 June 2023

“Sergeant Jn Pierre joined the BPS as a Constable in 2008 after serving with her home Royal St. Lucia Police Force since 2003, where she graduated top of her class [Baton of Honour recipient] and received the physical fitness award for outstanding female. With varied policing experience in St. Lucia and Bermuda, she currently performs the role of patrol Sergeant in the Community Policing Division at Southside Police Station. Outside of policing, Sergeant Jn Pierre is a professional bodybuilder with the International Fitness and Bodybuilding [IFBB] Federation.

“The retiring BRP officers are:

  • Reserve Constable 1047 Clayton Fleming [after over 37 years’ service]
  • Reserve Constable 1113 Millard Rawlins [after over 35 years’ service]
  • Reserve Constable 1262 Carmel Amory [after over 26 years’ service]

“Commandant Ron-Michel Davis presented plaques to retiring BRP officers Fleming, Rawlins and Amory for their dedicated voluntary service, which combined, totalled almost 100 years.

BRP Constables Krislyn Lambert, Randolf Bakabak Complete Initial Training photo [front row, left to right]: Reserve Inspector Shawn Russell, Minister of National Security the Hon. Michael Weeks JP MP, Commandant Ron-Michel Davis, Permanent Secretary for National Security Lt. Col. Edward Lamb [Ret.] and Acting Deputy Commandant Mikkel Harris. Back row [left to right]: Reserve Constables Krislyn Lambert and Randolf Bakabak.

BRP Constables Krislyn Lambert Randolf Bakabak Complete Initial Training 28 June 2023

“Reserve Constable Fleming joined the BRP on 4th February 1986 and has been an active and committed member, with admirable leadership and character qualities. He reached the rank of Sergeant during his service and spent most of his time voluntarily assisting the marine police, but frequently performed land based duties as required.

“Reserve Constable Rawlins joined the BRP on 1st January 1988. He reached the rank of Inspector, even serving as Acting Chief Inspector for periods and provided immeasurable support to the Roads Policing Unit team as a qualified laser speed detector operator, as well as a truck driver. Also, Reserve Constable Rawlins has featured in many local and international BRP events.

“Reserve Constable Amory joined the BRP on 14th April 1997. During his service he actively engaged in frontline operational policing and in recent years was also a valuable Roads Policing Unit team member as a qualified laser speed detector operator, as well as a truck driver. Similarly, Reserve Constable Amory has featured in many BRP events.

BRP Constable Tahirah Simmons Completes Initial Training photo [left to right]: Reserve Constable Tahirah Simmons and Commandant Ron-Michel Davis.

BRP Constable Tahirah Simmons Completes Initial Training 28 June 2023

“The latest BRP officers to successfully complete their initial training are:

  • Reserve Constable 1571 Randolf Bakabak [Academic award recipient]
  • Reserve Constable 1572 Holly Lavigne-Smith [Unable to attend Wednesday’s ceremony]
  • Reserve Constable 1573 Tahirah Simmons [Best overall recruit and Baton of Honour recipient]
  • Reserve Constable 1574 Krislyn Lambert

“Commandant Davis also presented the four latest Reserve Constables to complete their initial training with certificates. They started as BRP recruits on 10th April 2023.

“When asked prior to Wednesday afternoon’s ceremony about their decision to volunteer, each expressed their pride to wear the uniform and a desire to serve.”

Four Latest BRP Recruits photo, courtesy of Dexter Flood [left to right]: They are now Reserve Constables Randolf Bakabak, Holly Lavigne-Smith, Tahirah Simmons and Krislyn Lambert.

Four Latest BRP Recruits 18 May 2023

Reserve Constable Bakabak said, “I will wear my police uniform with utmost pride as it would be an honour to serve this country and give back to the community that has given so much to me.”

Reserve Constable Lavigne-Smith said, “I feel honoured and proud to be able to represent the Bermuda Police Service as a Reserve Police officer.”

Reserve Constable Simmons said, “I look forward to enabling the enforcement of justice, helping people in need and to making a difference in my community through my work.”

Reserve Constable Lambert said, “I understand what is expected of me in my role as a Reserve Police officer and I intend to meet each challenge and obstacle with professionalism, an open mind, strong judgement and a commitment to not only serving Bermuda, but to being an example for others in the community to emulate.”

The police spokesperson said, “Official photos were taken at the conclusion of the ceremony with dignitaries including Minister of National Security the Hon. Michael Weeks JP MP, Permanent Secretary for National Security Lt. Col. Edward Lamb [Ret.], Commissioner of Police Darrin Simons, Assistant Commissioner Martin Weekes, Assistant Commissioner Antoine Daniels, Commandant Ron-Michel Davis, Acting Deputy Commandant Mikkel Harris and Reserve Inspector Shawn Russell.”

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