Photos: City Unveils Bermuda Marquee Sign

June 1, 2023

Last night [May 31] the City of Hamilton unveiled the new ‘Bermuda’ sign, which features an AR component which can be accessed via a scanned QR code.

A spokesperson said, “With Gombey Warriors and the Town Crier on hand, the City of Hamilton last night unveiled Hamilton’s, and indeed Bermuda’s, newest iconic landmark to coincide with the first Harbour Night of the 2023 season. Revellers also enjoyed complimentary treats from Ashley’s Lemonade and Duch Pops.

Bermuda Sign Unveiled

“The awe-inspiring BERMUDA marquee sign, located next to the Bermuda Tourism Visitor Centre on Front Street, was illuminated to the delight of onlookers who did not waste any time posing with the impressive installation for the remainder of the night.”

Acting Mayor, Councillor John Harvey remarked of the sign, “After years of planning, we are finally here, tonight, unveiling what is surely to become a must-see on every visitor’s itinerary. I think we can all agree that this spectacular sign will feature prominently in many a photo, especially with beautiful Hamilton Harbour as its backdrop.

“This installation is part of the City’s VIVID: Public Art Initiative and is a very welcome addition. To date the City has installed more than twenty-five murals and sculptures throughout the City, realizing the City’s vision to be a vibrant one.

”The Waterfront is one of the City’s greatest assets and many plans are afoot as to how to better utilize it and beautify it. We have gradually started that process with the redesign of Albuoy’s Point, refurbishment of Pier Six and letting of a restaurant in Barr’s Bay Park. We know there is a long way to go and more work to be done but we hope this new point of interest is a stepping stone to what the Waterfront will become.

“It gives me great pleasure to recognize Mr. Keeon Minors of local digital marketing agency Lead by Design, the originator of this wonderful piece. Keeon was the stand-out winner out of 60 entries in a public contest designed to inspire and challenge local artisans, on a grand scale, to submit their visions for the sign. Criteria for the contest included a celebration of Bermuda’s rich culture and storied history. Keeon, I can emphatically state, you nailed it.”

The spokesperson said, “Councillor Harvey went on to thank the panel of industry professionals tasked with selecting the winning entry as well as the City Communications and Marketing team for the concept, the City crews and RMS Construction for the physical installation and Paradise Mobile for the added AR component to the sign which can be accessed via a scanned QR code.

“The City is launching a social media photo contest today on its Facebook, Instagram and Twitter platforms inviting the public to submit creative images showcasing the new sign. The winning submission will receive dinner for four, as well as VIP seating at the Fresh Air Films event on Saturday, June 24th in Barr’s Bay Park.”

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (1)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (2)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (3)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (4)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (5)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (6)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (7)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (8)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (9)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (10)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (11)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (12)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (13)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (14)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (15)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (16)

Bermuda Marquee Sign June 2023 (17)

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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    What we have here is good intentions gone horribly wrong.

    Not a bad idea to have an imitation of the very famous VEGAS sign, but why put it in a very high demand cycle park?

    How does one get a clear shot of it with bikes all around it?

    The VEGAS sign is in the middle of a divided highway, in the clear, with room to park for pictures.

    Other state line or town name signs are also in the clear. Easy to take pictures of without any clutter around them.

    What happens next? Will the cycle park be closed. It is full all day everyday. It gets used by full day parkers & people using bikes for quick errands to town.

    Great idea. Wrong place. Someone did not think this one through.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Great idea. Wrong place. Someone did not think this one through.”

      Maybe. Maybe not. By doing such things the City of Hamilton distances itself from the PLP Government.

      One can argue whether the City of Hamilton distancing itself from the PLP Government is a good thing of a bad thing. That is a different issue.

  2. Bermutiful says:

    LOL Must-see. Well thought-out sign but no thought went into its placement. Will be vandalized soon, LOL.

  3. Huntleycat says:

    Why? The best welcome to Bermuda is its natural beauty and its people. Having arrived it doesn’t need a pretty sign to tell folk where they are? I’d rather see the natural beauty of the harbour than that object obscuring the view.