NMB: Latest Journal Volume Now Available

June 22, 2023

The National Museum of Bermuda [NMB] Press has unveiled Volume 22 of the Bermuda Journal of Archaeology and Maritime History [BJAMH].

A spokesperson said, “This latest edition is now available for purchase [PDF format] and download on the Museum’s website: www.nmb.bm/shop. The journal features a compelling assortment of five articles contributed by local and international scholars, offering diverse insights into Bermuda’s historical and archaeological landscape.

“The contents of Volume 22 encompass a wide range of subjects, including a multidisciplinary exploration of indigenous weaponry recovered from the 16th century shipwreck the San Pedro; an investigation of early 17th century usage of the name “Bermuda” as seen in works by playwright and poet Ben Johnson; an analysis of the socio-economic dynamics among merchant class families during the American Revolutionary War; an investigation into derelict vessels from the 20th century; and an examination of the life of Lieutenant Colonel William Campbell, a former Bermuda governor. Additionally, transcriptions of the Governor’s Council Minutes are included, adding further depth to this edition.

NMB Volume 22 BJAMH June 2023

“Originally established in 1989 as a successor to the Bermuda Historical Quarterly, BJAMH has evolved into a highly regarded multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal currently edited by Dr. Clarence Maxwell and Dr. Deborah Atwood. The Journal focuses on publishing articles related to archaeological and historical research pertaining to Bermuda. Covering a broad spectrum of topics, including slavery, smuggling, shipwrecks, military and naval history, whaling, and agriculture, the journal has become an indispensable resource for researchers exploring Bermuda’s history and its connections with the wider Atlantic World.”

Dr. Deborah Atwood, Co-editor and NMB Curator shared: “This Journal edition brings together exceptional work of esteemed scholars, offering a captivating blend of archaeological and historical research that delves deep into Bermuda history. At NMB, we are committed to supporting scholarly research and providing a space for the multidisciplinary exploration of Bermuda’s history. By collaborating with researchers around the world, facilitating access to the Museum’s collections and providing multiple platforms for sharing new research, NMB generates and shares new knowledge which can challenge existing paradigms and contribute to the ever-evolving narrative of Bermuda’s history.”

The spokesperson said, “To enhance the academic standing of the Journal, Dr. Clarence Maxwell and Dr. Atwood [co-editors] extended invitations to local and international experts in history, art, and archaeology to form an Advisory Board. The Board provides guidance on the direction and scope of BJAMH, as well as reviewing submitted papers for publication. Through this rigorous peer-review process, the Board ensures that all articles exemplify the highest research standards. Consequently, the Journal solidifies its position as a leading academic resource on the history and archaeology of the Atlantic World. Volume 22 is the first edition to undergo this review process under the Advisory Board’s auspices.

“The members of the BJAMH Advisory Board include: Dr. Jon Adams, University of Southampton, Dr. Bridget Brereton, University of the West Indies, Dr. Marley Brown, The College of William & Mary, Dr. Elaine Forman Crane, Fordham University, Alissandra Cummings, Barbados Museum & Historical Society, Dr. Dennis Downey, Millersville University, Dr. Theodore Francis, Huston-Tillotson University, Dr. Michael Jarvis, University of Rochester, Walter Roban, Bermuda’s Deputy Premier & Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Bradley Rogers, East Carolina University, Dr. Quito Swan, Howard University, and Dr. Kristy Warren, University of Nottingham.

“The publication of BJAMH Volume 22 was made possible through the generous support of the American Friends of the National Museum of Bermuda, Inc. and the Friends of the National Museum of Bermuda, UK. Their contributions have helped further the advancement and dissemination of knowledge related to Bermuda’s maritime and archaeological history. The previous 21 volumes of the BJAMH are also available for purchase and PDF download online [www.nmb.bm/shop].”

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