Video: UK Lord On SSM Laws In Territories

June 8, 2023

Lord Michael Cashman spoke at a recent UK Lords Committee meeting that covered topics including laws about same-sex marriage in Overseas Territories, saying “we can and should protect same-sex couples from the abuse of discrimination, and legislate to grant them the right to marry.”

Lord Cashman, the co-founder of the British LGBTQ+ group Stonewall, has previously has introduced a Private Members Bill in the UK House of Lords to “make provision for the marriage of same sex couples” in British Overseas Territories, including Bermuda.

Speaking at the session in the UK, Lord Cashman said, “My Lords, people living in the British Overseas Territories deserve nothing short of the same respect for their human rights and fundamental freedoms as that available to those living in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom government indeed recognized in 2012 that being an Overseas Territory entails responsibilities, and that territory governments are expected to meet the same high standards as the UK government in their respect for human rights.

“The government also recognized, the UK government recognized, that it has a fundamental responsibility to promote the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the people of the territories to ensure their just treatment and their protection against abuses.

“It is within this spirit that I introduced on the 6th of July 2022 the Marriage [Same Sex Couples] [Overseas Territory] Bill to make provision for the marriage of same-sex couples in the six Overseas Territories that currently do not permit same-sex couples to marry.

“My bill seeks to make what would now be regarded by most people in the United Kingdom and in the majority of Overseas Territories that have enabled same-sex marriage a positive change to the law to allow same-sex couples to gain full and equal recognition of their loving and committed relationships.

“My Lords, the ability to marry the person that we love is, I believe, an incontrovertible and fundamental human right. Every person in your Lordship’s house today recognizes this because every person in your Lordship’s house today would be horrified if they were told that their current marriage was not recognized by law, or if in the future they could not marry the person they loved.

“Denying two adults the right to marry on the basis that they are the same sex is an outrage. And this house recognized that outrage and put an end to it in England and Wales when it played a pivotal role in passing the Marriage [Same Sex Couples] Act 2013. In respect of those Overseas Territories that will not address the outrage of marriage inequality themselves, this house, I believe, my Lords, must, in my view, take a lead.

“We can and should protect same-sex couples from the abuse of discrimination, and legislate to grant them the right to marry,” he added.

“I have heard repeatedly all of the arguments against the UK doing this. That it is a sensitive issue, that we must respect the territory governments to choose for themselves, and that if we don’t, we are damaging our partnership with the Overseas Territories.

“My Lords, I reject every single argument I have heard against the UK parliament taking a lead in this area for one simple reason. We are dealing with something so corrosive and destructive of human existence and dignity, and that is excluding people from access to marriage, which is universally recognized as a fundamental right.

“We do, I believe, have a moral obligation to act. I hope, perhaps in vain, that the government will find time for my bill to enable us to take a simple step that will transform the lives of same-sex couples in the overseas territories at no cost to anyone. If the government will not find time for my bill, then we will return to this issue time and time again until it is settled.

“Justice must and will prevail. There are other areas of discrimination faced by LGBT people in some of the British Overseas Territories, and the government must also address these. Inequality and discrimination diminish every single one of us, and they undermine the notion of a civilized society.”

The Bill — which is Private Members Bill from a member of the Labour Party, would need to pass in UK Parliament, and whether the Bill passes remains to be seen.

Over the years, various British politicians have suggested the UK intervene in Bermuda’s marriage laws, however in 2018 the UK did not block the Domestic Partnership act saying that while they were “disappointed about the removal of same-sex marriage in Bermuda” it would “not be appropriate to use the power to block legislation, and in 2019 the British Government said they “have no plans to introduce an Order-in-Council” as it relates to same sex marriage in Overseas Territories.

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    Lord Michael Cashman speaks about human rights and is recognized as a human rights activist. He is oddly silent on the rights of underage black African children slaving away in Cobalt and Lithium mines in Africa to fuel the green agenda. Why is that?

    • saud says:

      Is Africa a British colony?

      Did you post in the wrong thread?

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “Is Africa a British colony?”

        To young people it might be.

        Remember, for more than a generation now, Bermuda schools have taught a curriculum that accords with what the PLP Government wants us to believe, not necessarily the truth. For example, young people today are still taught that Europeans acquired slaves from West Africa and transported them to the Caribbean and North America. What they are not told is that slavery was then a common practice in Africa and Asia and the West African tribes sold the slaves to the Europeans. The slaves were already slaves, just not to Europeans.

        • saud says:

          Understood. The educational system is an obvious failure.

          Ironic that the the descendants of native Americans in St. Davids just celebrated their heritage.
          I wonder if any True, Born Bermudians know why they’re here?

        • LOL - the real one says:

          Not sure if any schools teach that the enormous African slave trade was built by Africans who enslaved Africans and sold them to the highest bidder.

      • LOL - the real one says:

        “Lord Michael Cashman speaks about human rights and is recognized as a human rights activist.”

        You must believe that Africans, particularly little black African children, have no rights. Why is that?

        Not sure if any schools teach that the enormous African slave trade was built by Africans who enslaved Africans and sold them to the highest bidder.