Column: 250 Cameras To Deter & Detect Crime

July 25, 2023

Photo courtesy Dept. of Communication//Mark Tatem[Opinion column written by PLP Senator Dr. Emily Gail-Dill]

During our ongoing canvassing on the doorsteps, we have listened to your concerns. As such, your Government has taken action on these issues.

In the 2021 Throne Speech, the Government committed to enhancing CCTV. We have kept our promise to upgrade the island’s CCTV and this investment will undoubtedly enhance security throughout our island, making it a safer place for everyone.

The Progressive Labour Party government has partnered with Digicel to install a comprehensive network of CCTV cameras island-wide within the next 25 weeks. This will include 250 cameras to deter and detect the crime in our community. This will more than triple the amount of cameras presently in use.

The CCTV Network will have a soft rollout over the Cup Match holiday and will be fully operational before the Christmas holiday period. This upgrade in technology will greatly enhance the BPS’s ability to monitor and respond to potential threats to the community, while significantly boosting their investigative capabilities. Additional capabilities will be added to the system in the future such as speed detection, to assist in making our roads safer.

Our Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said in a recent press conference, “I have a message to the public. This CCTV system, once we have it implemented, is going to increase the feeling of safety and security. So for those who are engaged in untoward behavior – you’d better beware”.

The government will eagerly and wholeheartedly invest in the new CCTV Network as a vital component of our unwavering commitment of the Ministry of National Security to fulfill the mission of “Working together to keep you safe”.

- Dr. Emily Gail Dill – Junior Minister for National Security and Transport

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  1. HP says:

    This surveillance and tracking of our personal movements flies in the face of PIPA. Bermuda legislators you can’t have it both ways. Either you believe our personal information – including where and when we move around the island – should be protected, which is what the PIPA legislation you have brought to our shores says. OR you don’t really believe it’s important to protect our personal information. Which is it Bermuda legislators? You are currently speaking out of both sides of your mouth. The people you work for are watching, ever more closely we are watching, the days of you doing as you wish with our dollars and our laws are over.

  2. Facts says:

    None of the public want this bigbrother style over-surveilance. Everyone is sick of these archais speed laws here. And now you want to destroy what was left our happy island with this camera system?
    this island doesnt offer any form of decent racetrack or drag strip for citizens to exercise their right to motorsports, which causes people to speed on roads. WHy don’t you people spend a bit of money and give people the right to raceways or in public organized race events, like with go-karts? Instead you want to confine us on a tiny island with 20mph speed limit with no way to experience anything beyond this mundane life. Getting sick of this island and my family has been here 400 years. Wish we never helped settle the island.