SPCA: Rescued Dog ‘Xena’ Finds New Home

July 11, 2023

The Bermuda Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals [SPCA] has announced that rescue dog Xena has “finally found her forever home.”

The Bermuda SPCA posted the video below online, saying, “We are thrilled to announce that Xena has finally found her forever home! Thanks to the hard work, dedication, and love from our team [and a few SPCA alumni for good measure] warrior Xena has finally conquered her final battle to find her perfect home. While we will miss her dearly, we couldn’t be happier for her and all of the new adventures she will have with her new family. We hope you enjoy this little tribute to our special girl.”

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  1. maddog says:

    Great job SPCA!!! She looks happy and healthy now, thanks you to. And thank you to whoever adopted her. Angels! So what are the consequences for the original JERK (and that is putting it politely) owner who was responsible for this mess in the first place. Oh right… NOTHING. PLEASE government get a tighter reign on dog regulations and enforce consequences.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    If only the previous owner could be found and given the same treatment that he gave the dog.