Visitor Thrilled To Meet Dwayne Leverock

July 25, 2023

A visitor to the island met iconic Bermudian cricket player Dwayne Leverock and shared the story of the unexpected encounter on social media.

The heartwarming tale – which ends with the author calling Bermuda’s people “absolute legends” – went viral, earning more than 220,000 views and over 1,700 likes on Twitter.

In a post on Reddit, the visitor said, “I was in Bermuda recently, touring the beautiful island, when something unimaginable happened.

“One evening, I needed a ride to go back to the port where our cruise was docked. I wandered out to a taxi area and asked the first person I could find to see if they could give me a ride to the dockyard. Shortly there I was, in the cab of Jimmy Tweed, the greatest taxi driver of all time.

“Upon learning I was a cricket fan, he was quick to ask if I knew anything about Bermuda’s cricket team. I shared with him how I vividly remember them participating in the 2007 World Cup and of course Dwayne Leverock’s insane one-handed diving catch during that very tournament. The moment Jimmy heard me mention 2007 and Leverock, his eyes lit up, followed by instant disbelief that the world outside their tiny island knew about Leverock’s heroics.

“He was so moved by this conversation that he called his wife up right away: ‘Honey, I need you to call all our friends to see if any of them have Dwayne Leverock’s phone number. I have a gentleman in my taxi from outside Bermuda who is a huge fan and we absolutely have to make sure he meets Leverock before I drop him off at his destination.’

“I genuinely thought Jimmy was joking because my drop-off place was probably only 30 minutes away at that point and there was no way we were going to get an international cricketer’s phone number in that time frame, let alone convince him to meet a total stranger. Boy oh boy, was I wrong!

“Within five minutes, we get a text from Jimmy’s wife. She has a phone number. Jimmy is overjoyed. I am still looking for a prank camera in the car because no way this is real life. We call up said number. ‘Hello, this is Dwayne, may I ask who is calling?’ Were we on the phone with the Dwayne Leverock on speaker in a taxi on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? Did I have this on my 2023 bingo card? Absolutely not. Not even in my wildest dreams.

“Dwayne, this is Jimmy Tweed! You don’t know me, but I have got a huge cricket fan, no no, a huge Dwayne Leverock fan visiting the island, he’s in my cab right now, so you better put on some pants cause we’re coming to meet ya! Oh, and by the way, where do you live?’

“I was fully expecting Leverock to hang up after that introductory spiel, but to my utmost surprise, not only did he say hi to me on speaker phone, he also gave us his home address and asked that we swing by! It was at this moment that I realized there were no prank cameras in the car, and this was just Bermuda’s way of welcoming me, a nobody, to their heavenly island.

“Within 10 minutes, we were outside the address given to us over the phone, and there he was in flesh – the man, the myth, the legend – the Dwayne Leverock! Bermuda’s hero from the 2007 World Cup who took a stunner that is talked about to this day and one that even made it to the 2023 World Cup promo.

“Lovingly known around the island as Sluggo, he did not waste any time in making me feel at home by greeting me with the widest smile ever. So humble. So down to earth. All he wanted to talk about was my trip, but all I wanted to talk about was him and the diving catch that shook the world. I asked him if he could recreate his diving pose with me and he happily obliged. And if that wasn’t enough to make me feel welcome on the island, he even asked me for my contact details so he could send a gift basket my way. I mean, somebody pinch me already because this has to be a dream.

“Dwayne Leverock, Jimmy Tweed, and the people of Bermuda, if you’re reading this, please know you all are absolute legends on and off the ground, and the cricketing world can’t wait to have you back on the field at the big stage! Sending love and more one-handed diving catches your way!”

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Comments (5)

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  1. Real Deal says:

    lol funny only in Bermuda’s 21 spare miles

  2. Bernard says:

    Well done Sluggo and Mr.Tweed

  3. Kim Smith says:

    Now this is what I call a story!

  4. Joe Bloggs says:

    Some good news for a change. I love it!

  5. Paulette says:

    So lovely. Thank u to Mr. Tweed n all those who made this happen. May Bermudians never stop being who we really are. Kindest place on earth.