Video: $50,000 Cheque Presented To SGCC

July 25, 2023

[Updated] With the Cup Match holiday just over a week away, the Bermuda Government presented a $50,000 cheque to St. George’s Cricket Club “to help offset the considerable cost of hosting Bermuda’s premiere sporting event.”

In presenting the cheque, Premier David Burt said, “As the Cup Match holiday draws closer, it is my pleasure to be here with you today to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to supporting this cherished part of Bermuda’s heritage.”

Update 3.30pm: A Government spokesperson said, “Today, Premier David Burt presented Cup Match hosts, St. George’s Cricket Club with a $50,000 donation to assist with preparations for this year’s Classic. St. George’s Cricket Club President Mr. Neil Paynter accepted the funds on behalf of the club.”

“The Premier was joined by Sports Minister, Owen Darrell and East End MPs – Minister Tinee Furbert, MP Kim Swan and MP Renee Ming.”

Cup Match Cheque Presentation Bermuda July 2023

Premier David Burt’s remarks:

Good morning Minister Darrell, Parliamentary colleagues representing the East end, President Paynter:

As the Cup Match holiday draws closer, it is my pleasure to be here with you today to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to supporting this cherished part of Bermuda’s heritage. In the coming days, we will come together as one community to celebrate our history, commemorate the emancipation of our ancestors from slavery on Emancipation Day, and enjoy the joyful atmosphere that only Cup Match can bring.

At the centre of it, all is the Annual Cup Match Classic between Somerset and St. George’s, which will be hosted by St. George’s Cricket Club here at the historic Wellington Oval this year. In the 2023/24 budget, the Government allocated funds to support Cup Match and to help offset the considerable cost of hosting Bermuda’s premier sporting event. I am proud to present a cheque for $50 000 on behalf of the Government of Bermuda to the St. George’s Cricket Club.

This financial support is just one of the ways through which the government contributes to the success of Cup Match. We are also proud to work alongside the hosts to conduct safety checks for the cricket field, ensuring that players and spectators can safely enjoy the match. I extend my appreciation to the executive, selectors, coaches, players, staff, and volunteers of St. George’s Cricket Club and Somerset Cricket Club and the local businesses supporting them. We recognise the months of preparation and planning that go into hosting and participating in Cup Match, and we are certainly grateful.

The Annual Cup Match Classic is a testament to the strength of our community, the richness of our culture, and the pride we take in our history and historic figures such as Mary Prince who through her firsthand accounts of slavery in Bermuda ensured the world understood the truth about slavery and made an immense contribution to the abolition movement. We proudly honour one the second day of Cup Match, renamed by this Government as Mary Prince Day.

Each year on Emancipation Day and Mary Prince Day we stand on the shoulders of the Black Lodges and Friendly Societies who united to organise this very cricket match to commemorate the ending of slavery in Bermuda. It is a legacy that we will continue to honour, protect, and preserve for generations to come, just as the Government will continue to support it for years to come.

I wish St. George’s Cricket Club and Somerset Cricket Club the very best of luck, and look forward to a thriving match. And I wish everyone in Bermuda a safe and enjoyable Cup Match holiday.

Thank you. divider line 2039852

For extensive coverage of Cup Match spanning over a decade, visit our website, the island’s most comprehensive resource on the Cup Match holiday.


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  1. James says:

    St George getting the people money. But can’t let the senior citizen of this country watch cup match on TV.very bad for our senior citizens that can’t go to the match.

    • Aiesha Oliver says:

      Doesn’t it usually stream on CITV? What’s happened? It’s not just seniors that watch the game. Been a long time since listening to CV on the radio. The game needs to be streamed as usual for Bermudians supporting their team. Blue & blue through and through

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        CITV is for political broadcasts. It should not be competing with ZBM or any other commercial enterprise.

        Blue and blue for me too!

  2. Jack in the box says:

    Hope that money gets put to good use & not in anyones pockets !!

  3. puzzled says:

    Election coming.
    $50 to help an established venue and people paying but no money for other things.

    People will still go without $50,000 worth of free booze and fishcakes right?

  4. comfortably numb says:

    Why would the cash strapped government need to sponsor Cup Match? If the St George’s Club can’t rake in enough money from gate receipts, sky box rentals, food and beverage vendors and crown and anchor operators then their financial management skills are on par with the present government.

  5. Double s says:

    Thank the taxpayer, not the government. It is easy to give away other people’s money.

  6. Ok says:

    Every single government from UBP, OBA and PLP has been giving money to clubs. Nothing new here folks.