City Installs Over 54 Streetlights In Past Year

September 12, 2023 | 1 Comment

The City of Hamilton recently “completed a large installment of streetlights as part of its robust Street Lighting Programme.”

A spokesperson said, “Over the past year, the City has installed over 54 streetlights, supporting goals established in the City’s Strategic Plan, namely:

  • To ensure the City of Hamilton is a safe and healthy City
  • To provide excellent services
  • To maximize value for rate payers, residents and customers

“Streetlighting does more than just illuminate our roads and public spaces so that we can see where we’re going when the sun goes down,” explained City Operations Manager Allan Somner. “Well-designed City lighting plays a key role in enhancing the lives of those who live and work there – offering aesthetic, economic and social benefits.

“For example, well-designed lighting reduces crime; a brightly lit park or pathway deters criminals and boosts the confidence of pedestrians, thus encouraging people to frequent a city’s businesses and restaurants, boosting economic activity in the area. Lighting also plays an integral role in community building, as better lighting makes for safer spaces in which for people to interact.”

The spokesperson said, “Over the past 12 months, the City team has installed new lighting to the following areas:

  • Elliott Street [between Princess Street and Brunswick Street]
  • Canal Road
  • Bull’s Head Lane

“The City has also repaired or replaced significant stretches of lighting in the following areas:

  • Cedar Avenue
  • Victoria Street
  • Church Street East
  • Dundonald Street East [from Union Street to King Street]
  • Dundonald Street West [at the junction of Cedar Avenue and Elliott Street]
  • Kings Street South
  • Angle Street
  • Par la Ville Street
  • Joell’s Alley North
  • Washington Lane Bus Depot

“The City has also replaced 80 lights in the Bull’s Head Car Park and installed additional lights in Queen Elizabeth Park.

“The City has been gradually replacing all of its cobra head lights with carriage lanterns since the early 2000s which [as well as being more aesthetically pleasing] create a denser light pattern.

“Another change which the City has made has been a switch, over the last seven years, from high pressure sodium bulbs to LED bulbs. The new LED bulbs provide a cleaner light, require less maintenance and use less electricity, saving the City thousands of dollars each year.”

“With more than 750 streetlights scattered throughout the City of Hamilton, we have a small team of hard-working individuals dedicated to keeping Hamilton lit!” explained Mr. Somner. “They are constantly seeking ways to further improve the lighting infrastructure of the City. Every Tuesday City electricians walk through the City in the evening to check for any lights which are out or dark areas which may require additional lighting.

“We will continue our efforts going forward with the focus of ensuring the City is a safe environment.”

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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    Wonderful! Now, if only the COH could go around and place the traffic lights where they can be easily seen from intersection stop lines without doing head gymnastics to see them.

    Try it. Virtually every intersection. Poorly located lights.

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