BTA Launches Hospitality And Tourism Guide

October 30, 2023

The Bermuda Tourism Authority announced the launch of its “ground-breaking Hospitality and Tourism Career Guide” saying “this first-of-its-kind resource opens doors to the vibrant world of hospitality and tourism through its signature online platform, BTA+.”

A spokesperson said, “Designed for individuals of all ages and career stages, this interactive guide aims to inspire, educate, and empower industry professionals and those looking to embark on a career in the tourism industry.

“The Hospitality and Tourism Career Guide is an essential component of our e-learning platform, BTA+. Through interactive courses, intriguing videos and industry partnerships, BTA+ equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the industry.

“Our platform provides learning pathways to offer guidance and structure to your learning journey, along with an extensive catalogue of courses. The ever-evolving and interactive digital platform nurtures talent, enhances professionalism, and ensures a skilled workforce that meets the demands of our rapidly evolving industry.

BTA+ Career Guide Bermuda October 2023

“The comprehensive career guide delves deep into diverse opportunities in Bermuda’s tourism and hospitality industry and beyond. Whether applying for an entry-level position for the first time or aiming for managerial roles, the guide covers various career paths that can assist readers and provide valuable insights into the tourism sector’s requirements, growth prospects, and potential for advancement.”

“The members of the Bermuda Hotel Association are thrilled to support the launch of the Interactive Hospitality and Tourism Career Guide by the Bermuda Tourism Authority,” says Stephen Todd, Chief Executive Officer of The Bermuda Hotel Association and Hotel Employers of Bermuda. “We urge everyone to dive into this career guide and discover the key roles they can play in our vitally important tourism industry.”

Davida O’Brien, Tourism Standards and Training Manager at Bermuda Tourism Authority, sheds light on the BTA’s vision by expressing, “We aim to inspire educators and parents to embrace this invaluable resource as a guiding beacon for our future workforce, showing the great potential within the hospitality and tourism industry. Together, we can elevate our industry, unlocking many opportunities and ensuring its continuous growth and prosperity.”

The spokesperson said, “Regardless of current career stage or industry familiarity, the Hospitality and Tourism Career Guide is a valuable resource and positions Bermuda as a forward-thinking, premier destination for hospitality and tourism, offering fulfilling and prosperous careers for all who embark on this exciting journey.

“To register for BTA+ for free, sign up here and access the career guide and more.”

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    BTA is way out of their league and reason to be there. No wonder they don’t focus on increasing visitor arrivals. Too much work. Easier to duplicate Hayward’s Dept.

    • Hilarious! says:

      BTA is just making busy work to justify their six-figure salaries.
      Say, whatever happened to the BTA’s cliff-jumping campaign? Did it fall off a cliff and drown? We know the idea was all wet.

      • JB Burgess says:

        Not sure how you call creating a guide to assist Bermudians navigating a career in tourism “busy work.” I think it’s a great idea for both employers and employees to get more out of the industry in Bermuda. We need to work on improving our skillsets so we can create better opportunities for all involved. It takes time, resources and effort to do this but it will pay off in the long run. Let’s start now! ????????????

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      History suggests that the BTA must do what what the PLP Government tells it to do or funding will be cut and the head of the BTA will be forced out

    • Mackin Tosh says:

      I guess the new airlift announced for a DC flight in 2024 and the return of the Boston and Miami service don’t count here or do you just select the data you choose to comment on?

      Sounds like you have more time on your hands than they do at the BTA if you’re the first person to comment negatively on an initiative that’s positive. As the “Ringmaster” of BerNews comments, you seem to really have “over the BIG TOP” ideas and must’ve worked there, but I bet weren’t up for the challenge and didn’t make the cut.

      I feel your pain and would be upset too, but like they say, “If you’re not a part of solving the problem, then you are the problem.”
