Tina Nash Retiring As WindReach Director

October 18, 2023 | 1 Comment

The Directors of WindReach have announced that Executive Director, Tina Nash will be retiring from the position effective October 31.

A spokesperson said, “Mrs Nash joined WindReach in June 2020 and was immediately faced with the challenge of navigating the physically hands-on, people-orientated organisation through the COVID pandemic. Tina engaged the staff and participants to find a safe and appropriate way to provide WindReach’s therapeutic services to a vulnerable population.

“After the pandemic abated, Tina channelled her energies into launching the Adult Day Programme and Environmental Education Programme, both of which have become well-established staples of WindReach’s programme offerings.

Tina Nash Bermuda Oct 18 2023 (1)

Stewart Ritchie, Chairman of the WindReach board said: “Every Executive Director brings their own unique skill set and characteristics to the role and we’re delighted to have been the beneficiary of Tina’s energy, policy skill set, deep network and infectious enthusiasm. Tina leaves WindReach in a strong position and she has set a high bar for her successor.”

“We wish Tina all the very best for her well-deserved retirement and we thank her for her service to WindReach and to Bermuda’s charitable sector over many years.”

Mrs Nash commented “I can see no better way to start my retirement than having finished my career at WindReach. It has been my absolute honour and privilege to work alongside such an incredible Team with a common goal and vision to serve our community in so many ways. Having joined WindReach as the Executive Director during the early stages of the pandemic in 2020, our incredibly knowledgeable and resilient team had to maneuver in so many ways to ensure that the programmes and services that so many people benefit from were protected. It is only due to the dedication and hard work of our team and Board, and the relentless support from our community, that WindReach currently finds itself in the strongest position possible.

Tina Nash Bermuda Oct 18 2023 (2)

“WindReach is well placed to go from strength to strength. WindReach benefits from a dedicated, strong and active Board of Directors and I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to them all for their outstanding support and encouragement over the years. A nonprofit with a strong Board is a strong nonprofit and WindReach definitely has the governance and structures in place to be sustainable for decades to come.

“Programmes and services are only as successful and impactful as the Team of people [and therapy animals] that develop and deliver them. I have never worked with a more dedicated, hard-working, passionate and professional group of individuals than I have at WindReach. I am so very grateful to the WindReach team that made absolutely every success that we have enjoyed possible. Our community is so fortunate to have them all working for its continued benefit.

“Finally, I would like to thank our community who continues to believe in our mission to enrich the quality of life for individuals with diverse support needs. Whether you are a Volunteer, a Donor, a Participant, a Family Member/Carer, a Programme Partner, or a Collaborator – WindReach has been able to continue to thrive and plan for a very exciting future due to your support. We simply could not do what we do for our community without that support – and for that I am eternally thankful and appreciative.”

A spokesperson added, “The WindReach Nominations Committee has identified and secured WindReach’s next Executive Director. An announcement on this will be forthcoming.”

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  1. Barbara Cooper says:

    Thank you, Tina for your energetic leadership. Your dedication and enthusiasm have been contagious,and they have provided WindReach with many ‘tools’ which will continue to be valuable going forward. Your shoes will be big ones to fill ! Happy Retirement.

    Barbara Cooper – a/k/a ‘Bragging Granny’

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