GW Newspaper Highlight Dr Quito Swan’s Plans

November 1, 2023 | 0 Comments

Bermudian Dr Quito Swan, the director of the Africana Studies Program at George Washington University, is “redesigning the major and drumming up student interest to support his vision of transforming the program into a department,” the University’s student newspaper reported.

The GW Hatchet, the student newspaper serving the George Washington University community in Washington, D.C, reported, “The new director of the Africana Studies Program is redesigning the major and drumming up student interest to support his vision of transforming the program into a department.

“Three months into his tenure as director, Quito Swan — a professor of history and Africana studies and a scholar of Black internationalism — said he is focused on engaging affiliate faculty and seeking additional financial support from the University to hire Africana studies professors to the department, which has no full-time faculty.

“Officials hired Swan in August, nearly two years after a faculty petition called for increased funding for the program and a transition to department status with a permanent director.

“We are thrilled to attract a leader of Dr. Swan’s caliber, experience and expertise in Africana studies, and look forward to working with him in the years ahead to strengthen the Africana Studies program,” CCAS Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs John Philbeck said in an email.

Read the full story here on the GW Hatchet website.

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