Cost Of Five Trips By Minister Jason Hayward

December 11, 2023 | 0 Comments

A trip in February 2023 by Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward to Mexico for private client forum cost $1,696.59; a trip in April to Georgia for RIMS Risk World conference cost $4,765.70; a trip in May to Guyana for the 12th ILO Meeting of Caribbean Ministers of Labour cost $1,228.16; a trip in July to New York for Business Development Mission cost $1,574.27; and a trip in September to Texas for International Economic Development Council annual conference cost $4,893.06, according to recent listings on the Government’s travel webpage.

Private Client Forum 2023 – Cancun, Mexico

The trip duration was listed as from February 11, 2023 – February 14, 2023.


  • Air Travel: $1,146.70
  • Meals: $549.89
  • Total costs: $1,696.59


RIMS Risk World 2023 Conference - Atlanta, Georgia

The trip duration was listed as from April 30, 2023 – May 3, 2023.


  • Air Travel: $1,440.20
  • Ground Transportation: $148.20
  • Accommodation: $1,671.48
  • Meals: $626.82
  • Miscellaneous: $879.00
  • Total costs: $4,765.70


12th ILO Meeting of Caribbean Ministers of Labour – Georgetown, Guyana

The trip duration was listed as from May 21, 2023 – May 25, 2023.


  • Accommodation: $1,048.41
  • Meals: $179.75
  • Total costs: $1,228.16


Business Development Mission with the Bermuda Business Development Agency – New York

The trip duration was listed as from July 6, 2023 – July 8, 2023.


  • Air Travel: $568.60
  • Accommodation: $1,005.67
  • Total costs: $1,574.27


International Economic Development Council Annual Conference – Dallas, Texas

The trip duration was listed as from September 16, 2023 – September 21, 2023.


  • Air Travel: $1,234.70
  • Accommodation: $1,529.12
  • Meals: $599.24
  • Miscellaneous: $1,530.00
  • Total costs: $4,893.06

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