Photos & Video: Bermuda Is Love Garden

February 12, 2024

Bermuda Is Love held an event at the TN Tatem Community Garden in Warwick yesterday [February 11].

The event taught people how to plant and harvest vegetables from their gardens.

Aaron Crichlow, one of the founders of Bermuda Is Love, said the event was a “community building exercise” and was for people “who cared about the environment and their health.”

Among the vegetables grown at the Community Garden are kale, broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes.

“We have three plots where we grow vegetable,” Crichlow told Bernews. “Whoever comes to our event can participate and learn about gardening and where vegetables come from. “[The event] aims to be very informative about self-sustainability and food security.”

The event is part of the #HealthIsWealth Campaign the group is holding this month, which aims to advocate for healthcare rights and promoting healthy lifestyles among the public.

The group previously said, “It is our responsibility as Bermudian citizens to improve Bermuda’s healthcare system by promoting and leading healthier lifestyles. By adopting healthier behaviours and lifestyles, we can contribute to better health outcomes, reduce the burden of chronic diseases, and alleviate the current strain on healthcare resources and reduce healthcare costs in Bermuda.”

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