Senator Robinson On OBA Budget Reply

February 22, 2024 | 15 Comments

Dwayne Robinson Bermuda generic 2023The Opposition is set to present their reply to the 2024 Budget, which will show the OBA’s alternative views on managing the island’s finances, Opposition Senator Dwayne Robinson said, adding that it “will outline our fiscal outlook as well as our social conscience.”

Senator Robinson said, “The Opposition is set to present our Budget reply to Bermuda. I encourage the people of Bermuda to listen.

“The One Bermuda Alliance’s reply will give Bermudians insight on where we stand as an island, and not on platitudes. The reply will also show the OBA’s alternative views on managing the island’s finances. However it will take more than fiscal prudence, we require unity.

“The island has reached a point where it will require all of us to pull together as one; not as a fragmented community.

“We have seen that the PLP peddles in division, with an “US vs Them” mentality. Branding anyone who speaks out against them as the “combined opposition” regardless if they are a member of the OBA or not.

“The PLP did not cause the divisions which exist today, however they have masterfully exploited them for political gain.

“To change Bermuda’s trajectory, it will require an atmosphere where everyone can provide insight without hesitation. An atmosphere where that insight is listened to and policy is created to ease the burden of those who live in Bermuda and invest in it. There needs to be real consensus between Government and our fishermen, taxi drivers, educators, parents, entrepreneurs, insurance industry, and the public of Bermuda.

“All play a critical role in the success of Bermuda. We have repeatedly seen the Progressive Labour Party push forward with its agenda regardless of who speaks out against it, even its own party supporters.

“The One Bermuda Alliance is the team that can build that consensus and foster the collaborative effort required to chart a successful course into the future for Bermuda and her people. How am I so confident? The OBA has built that consensus within our caucus. We have tradespeople, finance specialists, lawyers, healthcare specialists, students, teachers, insurance experts, hospitality workers, farmers, artists, entrepreneurs, and more.

“We mirror the composition of the people who live on this beautiful island and if given the opportunity, the One Bermuda Alliance will foster and value that collaboration and combined insight to governing the island.

“Despite the narrative that the OBA is down and out, we continue to grow from strength to strength. Attracting new quality candidates, collecting expertise from multiple industries, engaging with the community, and perfecting our policy. The people will have a viable alternative in the next election.

“The One Bermuda Alliance’s budget reply will outline our fiscal outlook as well as our social conscience. I urge all of Bermuda to choose unity and understanding. We cannot repair our community and economy without each other.”

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Comments (15)

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  1. watching says:

    Will they be recommending reinstating the Travel Authorisation form again?

    • XUBP XOBA voter says:

      Doesn’t matter what they do the oba is the UBP. Until they lift up their hoods, gracefully explained to the voters why every single past black member + voter has left and finish off by stating the truth on why they change the party NAME [which the public already knows].

      Until this take place lets just say, they will always use SURROGATES!

      • LOL (original) says:

        Doesn’t matter who the opposition party is to the PLP same things will be said time and time again. The argument isn’t designed to weigh out options to the ruling party. It’s designed to stop the discussion.

        LOL People will never learn, and will rhyme with history for the rest of time.

      • LOL - the real one says:

        LOL…all you have is racism.

        The PLP is the most racist government ever to infect and divide Bermuda.
        You’re one of them, a bigot, with nothing but hatred for yt people.
        Sad….in other words, you’re no better than those you hate.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “Doesn’t matter what they do the oba is the UBP”

        If that is the case, the OBA does not exist and has not existed since 2011.

        Who then formed the Government from December 2012 until July 2017?

    • question says:

      So, ‘watching’, who exactly made a lot of money out of the unnecessary and universally hated TA form?

  2. watching says:

    “The One Bermuda Alliance is the team that can build that consensus and foster the collaborative effort required to chart a successful course into the future for Bermuda and her people. How am I so confident? The OBA has built that consensus within our caucus. We have tradespeople, finance specialists, lawyers, healthcare specialists, students, teachers, insurance experts, hospitality workers, farmers, artists, entrepreneurs, and more.”

    The PLP has all of the same within their ranks of members and supporters. The OBA had their chance and squandered the goodwill. Now they are saying they are attracting new quality candidates? Who, exactly? The vast majority are recycled from 2020 even if moving seats. Additionally, the other new ones are in PLP safe seats. If the OBA even wants to remotely seem new, they need to ditch MPs Dunkley and Cannonier, and put new faces in winnable seats. And we know that isn’t going to happen.

  3. Mr Know It All says:

    Same old tactic… slap a black face on, whine about the PLP being racist to get a few black votes and to tickle the balls of the white guys. “We mirror the composition of the people who live on this beautiful island” Where? in Fairylands? Your forerunners in winning seats are all white bro… Who are you trying to fool?

  4. White Wash says:

    I don’t know what’s more sad. The current state of the public roads or the fact that the spokes person for the OBA above packs shelfs at the local grocery store. Can’t the OBA find doctors, lawyers or accountants. The party needs to stop recruiting anyone off the streets. Next you’ll be inviting the farmer who didn’t have enough funds required for his chicken coop application to be a candidate.

  5. Pa says:

    Apparently they do not teach speed reading in schools ,in a nut shell all one simply has to do is to make notes of all the key words in a sentence . The key parts of a book can be read in an hour !

    As we have read senators Robinsons narrative ,Senator Robinson dialogue it is all about POLITICAL HISTORY.

    The definition of progress is one inch in the right direction .

    We are told what we ALREADY KNOW as if we need to have it rubbed in over and over again.

    What we don’t read is senators Robinson”s VISIONS FOR BRERMUDA ECONOMIC FUTURE.

    The good senator wants NATIONAL UNITY as if we the people the tax payers of this island have lost our way DON’T BLAME US BLAME YOUR SELF.

    Sir !
    Yyou have have to eat your own alphabet PLP UBP OBA soup.

    Do you not think that we have QUALITY people here .

    Don’t put us down !

    We have talented Masons to Bankers here and more .

    Just look under every rock.

  6. Hilarious! says:

    It takes guts to be a front person for a party that is irrelevant with little hope of winning back power. It is like being on a team that shows up to play but sees no reason to go out on the field because the outcome of every game is losing.

    Kudos to Senator Robinson.

  7. Pa says:

    It is very obviouse that we have a devided Bermuda .
    We are no different that many other countries around the world as we srtruggle to find workable solutions to many of our age old problems.
    Our biggest chalenge is the national debt that which is on every bodies mind.
    We have got what many wanted, now we have to pay for it at the expense of the quality of life for many living in misery .
    Devision leads to a difference of oppinion ,realizing that no body is perfect.

    The camel was designed by a committee some say two humps others say one hump.

    When there is an imbalance ,there is no unity as each party champion its own people.

    Our most pressiouse comedy is the power of the vote which may cause divisions with in the same house hold.

    Bermuda political system consists of 36 chosen people from all walks of life some very experiance and others still learning the ropes.

    The devision leaves many people dis enfranchised after all we all pay taxes .

    Bermuda would do a lot better socially and economically if there was unity we need to work together. towards a common goal and that my friends is food on the table.

    We could have it all with a a change in the system that hopefully put an end to division as each party will need to sharpen thieir respestive pencils.

    Devide the political system into 18 seats allocated for each party let each part pick the best of their best with the hope of unification money matters and dont i know it.
    Are we at war wth each other brother against brother.
    I am not sure if we can go on with the present system, our constituton need an overhall .
    Bermuda need an over hall failing that Bermuda is no going any where fast .

    My suggestion present one loop hole and that is if parlimentarions vote on party lines then there is a need to have a tie breaker.

    • Truth says:

      We’ve had 25 years of racism and divisiveness by the PLP.

      You get what you vote for.

  8. Surely not says:

    Some of the garbage posted in response to this article is verging on a complete hatred of humanity. Come on Bermuda this is so unnecessary and beyond acceptable.

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