Sir John Swan: ‘Encourage Independent Thinkers’

April 25, 2024 | 12 Comments

“I believe the way forward, at this moment in our history, is for us to encourage independent thinkers,” so that “by the time we come to the next national election, we will have many putting their names forward,” Sir John Swan said.

Sir John Swan — a former Premier — said, “I am sincerely grateful to so many of the people of Smiths North who have reached out to me, as requested, and have expressed their support for the concept of independent members of parliament. What I find particularly exciting is that those calls are coming from many who consider themselves diehard party supporters. This is change. We are seeing the evolution in the historical political landscape of Bermuda.

“Since party politics began in Bermuda, many of us were always this party or the next, few of us changed those labels and, indeed, it became an inherited loyalty, my folks were one party and so am I. For a period this served Bermuda well. But over time, loyalty to the party, and by extension, to those that serve as leaders at the current time, became more important than the policies, talent and skills of the aspiring members of parliament. The party, not the country became more important. The time has come for that to change.

“Our country is in trouble. We have lost our international reputation, we are deeply mired in debt, our health system has become expensive, our public education system is failing to give our next generation the opportunity to be the best they can be and is costing more per student at the same time as losing numbers to the private schools. Our roads are in terrible condition, many are leaving the country because they can’t afford to live in their own country. Finding affordable housing is challenging and if you need any verification, please read Martha Harris Myron’s recent column. We are losing ground internationally at an alarming rate. The list goes on. Most importantly, we are losing hope, we do not share a vision for the future, we can’t see a plan, we can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. This must change. It is time for Bermudians to believe in their own country again. We were leaders, people came to us for advice, we led by example. We need to get back to that.

“Again I say, I believe the way forward, at this moment in our history, is for us to encourage independent thinkers, doers who want nothing to do with the bickering, the insults and fighting of party politics but who just want to move our Island forward. My hope is that, by example, I may encourage others to step forward, so that by the time we come to the next national election, we will have many putting their names forward, many who subscribe to the same values and vision, enough of them to perhaps have a decided influence on the decision making of our future.

“Please, people of Smiths North, whatever your historical party loyalties have been, if you also feel the need for this change, if you want to help make it happen, then make contact as I have requested:

  • Email:
  • Cell: 441 504 3495
  • Office: 441 299 1781
  • Facebook: john swan
  • Instagram: @sirjohnwswan

“Let me know you want to new part of this new future for Bermuda.”

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  1. Watching says:

    I feel if there was really a groundswell of support for his possible candidacy he wouldn’t need to be soliciting support.

    • Andrew Little says:

      True enough, though I feel the More Often he Solicits Support, then the Bigger the Groundswell Grows.?.!!..we Desperately need Change Away from Opposition, Divisive, Party Politics.
      We need One group all pulling in the same One Direction for the overall combined benefit of the One Island and citizens.!!

      • Pa says:

        I do not have a reputation or even condone one liner communications .

        Single mindedness or one track dictatorial thinking gets us no where!

    • puzzled says:

      And I believe he is addressing a long overdue item.
      As for “soliciting” he’s informing people of his intentions.
      I hope he runs.
      Everyone else is still king green beer tins down the same road.

  2. Andrew says:

    True enough, though I feel the More Often he Solicits Support,
    then the Bigger the Groundswell Grows.?.!!..

    we Desperately need Change Away from Opposition, Divisive, Party Politics.

    We need One group all pulling in the same One Direction
    for the overall combined benefit of the One Island and citizens.!!

  3. Insurance says:

    Even Swan knows the Overboard Burnt Anxiety party will never win with its present candidate of surrogates.

  4. Pa says:

    If Sir John Swan is successfull in his quest to return to politics all gory to him and any like minded person,also i see a lack of female representation.

    Who are those indepentant thinkers ?
    Do they have consultants as i do ?
    Where do they come from, are they any better than you and I, if they existed at all?
    Surely they would be blowing their own trumpet !
    In a nut shell all the controversy is about TRUST.

    I will shake hands with every honest and trust worthy man I meet on the street any day.

    I dread to see the day that may come when we would be “fighting over food “.

    We all go nuts when B.E.L.Co turn the power off. ZZZZZ. ! That is not funny !

    If the controllers ,think that they can put a colar and leash on people they are mistaken.
    If they loose the peoples trust an confidence it is all over .
    I am confident that all of you are tired of playing the 6 for the 9 game we are also tired of another man putting his hand in our pockets.
    In the past there have been many blunders especially when it come to dealing with borrowed money which is spend on want and they dont have and do not need, got a word for it called mismanagement, wanting what you dont need has never worked .
    Do we all realize that we can not turn back the clock ?
    The White House has a tin roof that would have worked for the old airport, just paint it white .
    In time airports will be come redundant .

    We can stick the national debt right back in the face of those who created it
    Who started this inflation game and who is paying for the price war ? We are !
    Did the experts not invision that this would cause a deflation of our currency.

    We all are independant thinkers , we are and they are not sure who they could be a bunch of doctors, lawyers or business people to pray to the money gods ?

    Who is to say who they are and who we are we are.
    Are we not the voting public that have control of our destiny .
    We should all look at all their faces to see where they lead us.

    There appears at this present time there is division in the way that this country is managed , there are politicians who create the laws who in turn are expected to manage the business of this country in a profesional manner.

    Where it all went wrong is where back in history this country created a party system with a party boss who controls the party, who then controls the people and so on, that philosophy creates a system of division of do as they say do as as i say and the rest of you go take a hike .
    Bermuda then became the island of No ! then we all wind up with a number .
    Are the tinkers try to introduce a third party system to further devide the nation or are they wanting to go it alone not a good idea in my oppinion

    Every person in this country has the right to vote for who ever he or she has a.” vote of confidence” or” no confidence ” .
    We have a right to our own destiny.
    We must never forget we are all Bermudian with a common goal of survival .

    I am looking for inclusion not division.
    Presenty the legislators with their laws have the power over the people.
    Presently the legislators control our money only in trust.

    We earn it and they spend it ,that has to stop !

    There it is Matha and Sir John the required change .

    In reality Govrernment do not have any money they are trustees of our money.
    The independent economic control has got to be re distributed back to the people .
    Sir John Swan is highly respected we know we are up to our eye balls in Alligators,no more scare tactics please
    give us the promise of hope and harmony.

    • Time for change says:

      Sir John Swan needs to run to stop this racially divided party politics that exists in the plp and oba. It so obvious what the problem is.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        Unfortunately, encouraging one group of people to hate another group of people keeps politicians in power all over the world, from the U.K. to the U.S. to Ukraine to Africa.

        • Oh says:

          Unfortunately using surrogates as fronts to muster more votes for one party works in the US but not Bermuda anymore.

          • Pa says:

            If people here have nothing better to do except to complain about every thing and any thing, which has become Bermuda’s national past time in all its negativity , that is not acceptable in away forward in solving out never ending problems without offering any positive solutions, for example ,planting Potatoes Corn and more , are they not waisting our time and theirs , which we do not have.
            You cry alone my friends.
            When you laugh you will have lots of company.

            So what if i blow a trumpet when what I realy want is B.B.B. ~~~ Big Brass Band.
            Hey !
            Dont forget to include our little people !

            We are getting a 3 and we need a 9 and more .

            ” Imagination is the mother of invension “.

          • Truth says:

            Good luck to Lindsay and Zane.

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