Audio: Val Sherwood’s ‘Anything For You’

May 15, 2024 | 1 Comment

Singer-songwriter Val Sherwood has released her latest song, titled ‘Anything For You.’

Ms. Sherwood said, “I am releasing a recently recorded song called ‘Anything For You,’ not a love song as you might initially expect. Rather, the song tells the story of a kind individual who realises they have been taken advantage of for a very long time, and they are all done with this.

“From being willing to ‘do anything for you,’ they ‘see the light’ and now are not prepared to do ‘any more for you.’ It’s a powerful, emotional declaration of self-care going forward.”

The song was produced and arranged by John Woolridge and recorded at Just Platinum Studios. To learn more about Ms. Sherwood’s music, visit her website.


I asked you here, to say your name
To tell you that, I’ll take the blame
Such honesty, such loyalty
Never more, will you see

You promised warmth, and I got cold,
That how this fairytale unfolds
If it was for the good of the sisterhood,
That was all I’d need to know.


I would do anything that you’d want me to do
I would do anything for you
Takes time, takes years; takes heartache and tears
But I would do anything for you.

I had no love; I had no life.
What made you think that was alright?
I wish I had known, I could say no,
Hang up the phone, and let you go.


But I would do anything that you’d want me to do
I would do anything for you

Rules were broken, rules were bent,
I was young, I was innocent.
No questions asked, no reasons given.
I see the light; it’s my decision.

Now l won’t do anything that you’d want me to do
I won’t do any more for you.
Don’t ask, don’t take – don’t make that mistake
‘Cause I won’t do any more for you
Takes time, takes years; takes heartache and tears
But I won’t do any more for you.

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  1. Nicky says:

    Another great song from Ms Sherwood. Absolutely fantastic!

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