BUT: “Alarming Shortage Of Substitute Teachers”

May 18, 2024 | 5 Comments

The Teachers Union said they continue to monitor the “alarming shortage of substitute teachers with great apprehension” and said “the Department of Education must make correcting this highly volatile state-of-operations their top priority.”

A spokesperson said, “The Executive of the Bermuda Union of Teachers continues to monitor the situation in our public schools around the alarming shortage of substitute teachers with great apprehension. The Department of Education must make correcting this highly volatile state-of-operations their top priority.

“Teachers are being driven to burn-out through a lack of support in the form of substitute teachers that can cover staff absences, and this is not the first time we have made this call for more substitute teachers to be made available – whether through redistribution, or hiring.

“Our students are being neglected in many incidences, with classes going untaught, and even unsupervised, in some schools, and other schools having to go to the unfathomable extreme of closing due to lack of available staff on campus. This must not become a regular occurrence – it’s quite disturbing that it even happened once.

“The Department of Education must move quickly to resolve the substitute teacher shortage, and thereby ensure our children have teachers. Again, we urge the re-evaluation of Department protocols for substitute coverage, and that immediate action be taken to expand the list to include more qualified professionals.

“We implore the Department of Education to work collaboratively with us to ensure that our teachers and students receive the support they need to maintain a high-quality educational environment. We remain steadfast and committed to supporting our teachers, and advocating for changes that will enhance teaching and learning in the Bermuda Public School System.”

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  1. Shortage says:

    If the MOE fixed the problems the teachers would be leaving or burnout. Once they leave they refuse to even substitute. It is that bad.

  2. Derrick says:

    What a terrible mess. What will it take for the Education Minister to resign? How does he sleep at night, how is Burt comfortable not taking action?

    Surely our children’s future is the most important thing and yet we can’t even keep schools open.

    I will never vote for them again.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    The Minister is only the Minister. He has nothing to do with day to day running of education.

    The people responsible are all of the seat warmers in the Ministry. Start at the top there.

  4. Pa says:

    Parents often complain about the quality of teaching in the public schools , yet the parents do nothing about this state of affairs also this situation happens in other countries .

    There are several ways to deal with the problem.

    Are our schools used for a baby sitting service ?

    Charge the parent with ” nomimnal school fees ” may be they the parent would take an interest in their young persons education.

    Are the parents doing the young persons homework?

    Are the young people getting far too much homework all day all night is way to much.

    Are the young people being taught the wrong history lessons.

    Are the teachers just plain lazy?

    Falling through the cracks is a cop out !

    We know who to blame for that.

    Do teachers take many mental health days ?

    The standard exam is not the best way to determine the young Persons ability to retain information. NO !

    Parents on a roster basis should sit in class to report on the level of education their young peple are getting.

    The head master /mistress should also sit in class

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      In a nutshell, parents who pay for their child to attend a private or other fee-paying school are more likely to take an active interest in their child’s education. After all, those parents are paying over and above what the parents of a child in government school education are paying.

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