BYC To Interview C10 By-Election Candidates

May 16, 2024 | 2 Comments

Bermuda Youth Connect will be hosting online interviews with the Constituency 10 by-election candidates Lindsay Simmons, Robert King, and Sir John Swan.

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Youth Connect was created in the wake of the 2020 snap-election to create more civic awareness and engagement amongst young people. In line with this mission, we look forward to interviewing the PLP candidate, Lindsay Simmons, OBA candidate, Robert King, and independent candidate, Sir John Swan, for the Constituency 10 By-election for Smith’s North. We invite you to tune in on Bermuda Youth Connect’s Youtube Live on Friday, May 17th at 10 AM, Sunday, May 19th at 10 AM, and again at 2 PM to learn more about each candidate and their plans for Constituency 10 and Bermuda.

“BYC is eager to involve more young people interested in civic engagement, political discourse, and more. If you, or a young person you know, aged 16-30, would like to participate in by-election interviews and other pre-election events, please reach out to us at or @bermudayouthconnect on all social media platforms.”

BYC Smith's North Interviews Bermuda May 2024

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  1. Greg says:

    Is there really any point in this election. John Swan by a landslide. We all want something different.

  2. Pa says:

    Private Organisation / Club Registration.

    The are far to many private clubs and /or organisation who are collecting large membership dues .

    The club folds,

    The money disappears.
    There is usualy no audit.
    In discriminate spending.
    Food and liquor may be served.
    No Mandate.
    No by laws.
    No constitution.

    The public need to be protected.

    The Bermuda Government needs to register the activities of these flash in the pan gatherings.

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