Premier Congratulates College Graduates

May 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

Premier David Burt congratulated the Bermuda College class of 2024.

Premier David Burt said, “Congratulations to the Class of 2024! Today marks the successful culmination of your hard work, sacrifice, and diligence. You have been rewarded for the late nights of studying and sacrificing time with your family, friends, and leisure activities. Today, you see the conclusion of one stage in your life and the start of a new one.

“To those of you who will continue your educational journey. We wish you much success. Thanks to the outstanding teaching you have received at the Bermuda College, you have the foundation and the tools for whatever path you decide to take in the coming years. We know you will do well and carry the proud academic legacy and history of the Bermuda College with you.

Bermuda College Class of 2023

“To those of you who will be entering or re-entering the workforce, you have positioned yourself to advance in your career or are well-placed to compete for new jobs and opportunities in our economy. In Bermuda, we see an economy that is growing, diversifying, and providing jobs while unemployment is decreasing.

“As you leave these halls of academia, we want you to know that your government seeks to protect your existing job and entrepreneurial opportunities in Bermuda while creating new ones. We have implemented our Youth Employment Strategy to facilitate greater employment opportunities for all young Bermudians between 18 and 26 years of age; worked with international businesses to increase internships; and introduced the Graduate Trainee Programme through the Department of Workforce Development, providing coaching and employability skills training.

“The Government knows that there is more work to be done. We face significant challenges locally and globally. However, amid those challenges, we also have many opportunities and reasons to hope for the future. As you progress in your education and career, we will continue to work to ensure you have renewed optimism about the opportunities available here in Bermuda.

“Today, we celebrate your achievement and wish you well in your future endeavours. You are strong, educated Bermudians who have demonstrated the will and the ability to succeed through your academic success. Your Government seeks to see your sacrifice rewarded and for you to see and be able to take advantage of all that Bermuda has to offer today and in the future.

“Congratulations, Class of 2024. You represent our future, our hopes, and our dreams, and I know that you will continue to make us very proud.”

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