Age Concern Launch Hardship Program

June 28, 2024 | 0 Comments

Age Concern is seeking community donations for its hardship program supporting seniors which is “specifically tailored to alleviate the financial strain experienced by seniors.”

A spokesperson said, “Age Concern, a leading charitable organization dedicated to supporting seniors in need, is calling upon the community to rally behind our aging population by donating to our hardship programme.

“Many older adults face unforeseen challenges during their retirement years that amplify the financial burdens. As a result of limited to no pensions many individuals are struggling to make ends meet, grappling with rising healthcare costs, limited mobility, and social isolation. As the cost of living continues to escalate in Bermuda, far too many are finding themselves in dire situations, unable to afford basic necessities such as food, medication, and utilities.

“Recognizing the urgent need to provide assistance, Age Concern established our hardship programme specifically tailored to alleviate the financial strain experienced by seniors. These funds serve as a lifeline for adults over the age of 50 who are experiencing financial hardship. By contributing to our hardship funds, donors can make a tangible difference in the lives of vulnerable seniors, ensuring they receive the support and care they deserve.

“Within our fiscal year of 2023/24 Age Concern distributed over $66,000 worth of hardship to over 300 older adults in Bermuda. These included groceries, medical aide, toiletries, utilities, prescription medication, funeral arrangements, information and referrals.

“Our older population have contributed so much to our communities, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure they are not forgotten during these challenging times,” said an Age Concern spokesperson.

“Through the generosity of our donors, we can offer a ray of hope to seniors facing financial hardship, enabling them to live with dignity and security.

“Every donation, no matter the size, has the power to transform the lives of those in need. Whether it’s a one-time contribution or a recurring pledge, every act of kindness makes a meaningful impact. Together, we can create a layer of support for our older population.

“To donate or learn more about how you can support our hardship programme, please visit or contact us at 238-7525 or”

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