City Installs Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

June 25, 2024 | 10 Comments

The City of Hamilton has installed three Electric Vehicle [EV] charging stations at Bull’s Head Car Park.

A spokesperson said, “The charging stations are located on the bottom level of the car park on the southeastern side, near the exit.

“The initiative aims to provide convenient and accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles to support the growing demand for sustainable transportation within the City. By expanding access to charging infrastructure, the City hopes to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable transportation ecosystem.”

City of Hamilton Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Bermuda June 2024 (2)

City CEO Dwayne Caines said, “I want to commend our team for their work on the installation of the vehicle charging stations in Bull’s Head car park. Our in-house team members collaborated seamlessly to plan, coordinate, and execute the installation of the vehicle charging stations, which is reflective of their professionalism, competence, and dedication to advancing our organization’s sustainability goals.”

The spokesperson said, “This is a trial phase of the initiative to determine user need and, as such, is provided as a no-fee service to motorists, with the exception of the usual parking/entry fee. Future expansion of the program may be possible with the installation of solar panels to generate green energy.

City of Hamilton Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Bermuda June 2024 (1)

“Instructional signage has been installed at Bull’s Head car park to direct users on how to correctly operate the charging stations. Motorists are requested to move their cars after charging to allow others to use the service. Similarly, the same vehicle should not occupy a spot daily to ensure other EV drivers can also benefit from the initiative.”

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  1. No fee says:

    As you pay to park it is not free.

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The charging stations are located on the bottom level of the car park”

    Smart. That way the PTB cannot park busses there to charge.

  3. Hilarious! says:

    “The initiative aims to provide convenient and accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles to support the growing demand for sustainable transportation within the City. By expanding access to charging infrastructure, the City hopes to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable transportation ecosystem.”

    “growing demand” – translation, the Government purchasing EVs for the Government’s fleet with our tax money.

    “encourage the adoption of electric vehicles” – translation, if we build it, people will buy EVs but we are not spending any of our own money so that we can feel good about ourselves.

    “a cleaner and more sustainable transportation ecosystem.” – translation, we will never admit that EVs are bad for the environment from the enormous environmental damage done by mining rare earths, bad for underage African children mining rare earths that go into EV batteries, bad for our roads because EVs are heavier than regular vehicles, bad for our air quality from expensive tires degrading, that EVs have poor quality issues, that repairing damage to an EV is expensive when the expensive parts eventually arrive after months of waiting, that EVs are more expensive than regular vehicles, that EVs are really powered by evil fossil fuel generated electricity, that insurance for EVs is higher than regular vehicles, that insurance companies are considering not insuring EVs because even minor damage could be a reason to right off the car, and yada, yada, yada, we have no idea what sustainable means but is sure sounds good.

    • Kilowatts says:

      Every negative point you raise is an example of amplifying the worst case scenario imaginable and may not apply fully to each individual case. That’s expected when social media algorithms decide what ‘knowledge & facts’ you want to see to reinforce what you have already decided.
      I love internal combustion engines and have a lifelong love affair with high performance driving which I have pursued all over the world.
      I purchased an electric car and know it’s my best choice for Bermuda.

      • Hilarious! says:

        Facts are facts. Please disclose if you have a conflict of interest in your comment, like working for a green company or organization. If you want worst-case scenarios, you can find many of them on reputable websites. I have posted estimated costs to upgrade our roads to handle the weight of EVs. Also, the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service does not have the training and equipment to put out an EV fire. Who pays for those costs???

        I have a problem with all the lies about “green energy.” I have a problem when people who support “green energy” turn a blind eye to the environmental damage being done. Were you aware of the working conditions for underage children mining rare earths in Africa? Shame on you!

        Were you aware that RMI, the company the Government is using to consult on EVs, claims one reason for Bermuda to go all in for EVs is for “bragging rights” for implementing an EV policy? These same consultants said you could charge your EV when you get home from work, just like a smartphone. Not one RMI consultant mentions the cost of a home charging station, that most car owners do not have a garage, running a 120V or higher extension cord from your home to the EV is impracticable, the cost to build an EV charging infrastructure for every apartment complex, etc. etc. RMI also brokered the EV bus selection and purchase from China. The buses had a problem when wet. RMI has connections to China with an office, employees, and a Board member. RMI has pushed for banning gas stoves in the US using a debunked study.

        But hey, go green!

  4. Jane Doe says:

    And every day the parking bays are empty because they do not fit the average EV port. Only twizzys can use these. Please put the universal chargers so real EVs can actually use them!

    • Hilarious! says:

      Whaaaaat? Did someone make a mistake going green??? Do you mean that different EVs require a different plug?

      • Jane doe says:

        These chargers only fit twizzys. The majority of EVs ie mini, Hyundai Kona, kias etc cannot be charged with this plug.

  5. Hilarious! says:

    I see no reason for spending money on these EV chargers. The experts hired by the Government said that we could just plug in our EVs at night at home, just like we do to charge a smartphone. These are the same experts who promoted eliminating gas stoves in the USA.

  6. Anonymous says:

    From what I have heard, the chargers they installed there do not fit the average EV. (Kona, mini cooper, BMW etc). They only fit Tizzys. Actual Universal chargers should be put there if their goal is to “provide convenient and accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles”. All it’s doing is taking away parking bays at the moment causing inconvenience and inaccessibility.

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