Column: Sir John Swan On Politics, Trends, More

June 28, 2024 | 1 Comment

[Opinion column written by Sir John Swan]

Anyone watching the world of international politics will be aware of what I view as disturbing trends, specifically:

  • A decided swing to extremism – people seem attracted to the far right or far left of the political spectrum. The middle, where people are willing to consider other opinions, who see right and wrong on both sides, seems to be a dwindling segment.
  • A growing lack of tolerance and understanding. “Its either my way or no way. If you don’t agree with me, you are wrong, and I have no wish to listen to your side of the story”
  • An increase in the levels of fear. Much of todays media, indeed many of todays politicians have learned that fear motivates, fear causes people to form opinions and make decisions. We are afraid of global climate change, afraid of disease, of poverty, of the other leader, of not being able to afford to eat or find housing. We fear losing our jobs, losing our family, our partners. We are besieged with advertising that first tells us to be afraid and then tries to sell us something to fix whatever it is we have been convinced to fear. Political leaders, in many cases espouse fear for their own political gain.

We cannot allow these values to erode into Bermuda. We are too small, there are too few of us to sacrifice our destiny on the alter of extremism, fear and intolerance. What we need from our leaders are solutions and not fear!

Because we are small, there are few of us, each and every individual, every voter is important and can sway decisions, make a difference and create positive impact.

But there is one further trend that, in the long term may be even more alarming. That is people deciding not to vote. Each and every registered voter has the right, indeed the responsibility to exercise their opinion as to how their future, the future of Bermuda, will evolve. It is, I believe, a scared and fundamental responsibility, one that must be exercised whenever the opportunity arises.

I understand that many people have been turned away from the political process because they have felt disenfranchised, they feel like their leadership has no interest in their opinion. They too have become fearful and one way out, it may seem, is to turn away from politics altogether. But this is not the answer. At its core, politics is simply the right of every adult Bermudian to choose the destiny of their country.

So, to those who are fearful, to those who feel their politicians no longer understand, or indeed even care about their concerns, who despair as to the future of our island home, I am offering you a fundamental option. I value your opinion; I value your participation and I commit to getting Bermuda back on track. We will work to find other independents worthy of your support.

This begins with you, each and every Bermuda voter, first making the decision that you have had enough and that you want change and then making that change happen through your vote. As always, our future lies in your hands.

- Sir John Swan

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  1. Packman says:

    The saying “Hobsons choise ” means to some no choise at all, that is the way the voting process has been for many decades in our past, in other words voters have no alternative but to ,”Take it or leave it” . So why bother to vote !

    What has been deliberately eliminated, is it the opportunity to choose the candidate so we may call that ” a slightly rigged election”.

    The candidate or puppet has been pre chosen for one of the highest paying job in the country, where the selection of candidates proves lacking in credentials to elect our so called leaders has been by passed up or completely elimited also the selection process has been tainted over the years by other inequalities and mis guided or the lack of credentials .

    New blood has a limited future as it is in private life they all are not indispensable , good people gets left on the side walk .
    Being an independent offers no sense of belonging.

    On the other side of the coin we see very few people at any pay rate not having any interest in serving after being bombarded with insults and critisism as compesation for offering their time while sitting on the back bench .

    Then again is there an imaginary future in a political job, while, a permanent secretary is set for life, or are they better off runing their own business selling “T” shirts at Khyber pass gift shop .

    Who wants a tired or retired polatition so they go back to driving a taxi acting as a Bermuda ambassadors.
    In a nut shell, you cannot put water in a car and expect it to run !

    In the past candidate were un paid , they were require to have money own a business be part of the family of 40, not so today, just be good at sports .
    In my last job I was face with on many occasion with decisions relating to a constant fear of retribution , I lived in a world of ” Dam if you do and dam if you don’t” my answer to it all was
    ” Dam it full speed ahead”!

    Bermuda is faced with many similar problem there is no time to waste, as time is of the essence .

    “You can please some of the people some of the time but you can no please all the people all the time”.

    The qestions are !

    Who has, and what are the answers?
    Name calling breeds no posative results .
    Do we have more problems that we can solve?
    Does the country lack unity, by having a party or independant system?
    Is Bermuda being eaten alive before breakfast?
    Are potential people scared of being held responsible for the national and private debt?
    Has the Apple fallen from the tree?
    Did the tree die because nobody puts water on it ?
    Has inflation got the better of us ?

    We need to ask our selves “why were we you given two Ears and one Mouth and one Brain.

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