New Generator To Be Installed At KEMH

June 6, 2024 | 1 Comment

An additional generator will be installed at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital this year and there will be temporary changes to visitor and staff parking during the construction phase of the project.

“The new generator will provide added security of our electrical supply,” said Preston Swan, acting chief operating officer at Bermuda Hospitals Board. “It will work with the two existing generators to provide redundancy and ensure we have enough power to back up all essential systems, including air conditioning and ventilation, during a BELCO power outage.

“Paget Health Services, our partner in building and maintaining the Acute Care Wing, is managing and delivering the project as part of their obligations under the public private partnership contract.”

Paget Health Services General Manager Nicole Caines said: “We will be constructing housing for the new generator on top of a building currently in the main visitor car park at the ACW. Once this work has been completed, we will proceed with the installation.

“The construction portion of the project is scheduled to take 16 weeks to complete, and unfortunately there will be some disruption to parking at the hospital while this work is underway.”

Mr Swan said: “Starting on Monday 10 June, parking in the main ACW visitor car park will be reduced. Additional parking has been set aside further along Point Finger Road in our Springfield staff parking lot.”

Ms Caines added: “Signage will be posted and security staff will be stationed in both lots to assist hospital visitors in securing parking.”

The spokesperson said, “The entire generator project will take 30 weeks to complete. BHB will not incur any costs related to the project.”

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    But, but, what about solar panels and batteries??? What about connections to plug in a few of the 70 e-buses and run off those huge batteries?

    Oh, right. Evil fossil-fueled powered equipment works.

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