Somersfield Announce Scholarship Recipients

June 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

Somersfield Academy announced that Khwai Mendoza and Roman Jones have earned the Equity & Merit Scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year.

A spokesperson said, “Somersfield Academy is delighted to announce the recipients of the Equity & Merit Scholarship for the upcoming academic year 2024-2025.

“The Equity & Merit Scholarship programme at Somersfield Academy aims to recognise and empower exceptional students who demonstrate outstanding academic prowess, exemplary character, and a deep-seated commitment to effecting positive change in their communities and beyond.

“Somersfield Academy’s Equity and Merit Scholarships aim to empower students in the Bermuda community to become global leaders. These scholarships are for academically excellent students who have the potential to contribute to global issues, locally. The scholarships will provide financial assistance to eligible and motivated students who embody the values of the school.

“After a selection process overseen by a scholarship and bursary committee of educators and administrators, the following individuals have been chosen as the recipients of the Equity & Merit Scholarship:

  • Khwai Mendoza ‘26
  • Roman Jones ‘26

Somersfield Academy Equity & Merit 2024-25 Winners Bermuda June 2024

“The Equity & Merit Scholarship provides recipients with comprehensive support, including full or partial tuition coverage, access to a wide range of extracurricular activities, enrichment programmes, mentorship from experienced educators, and various leadership opportunities throughout the academic year.

“The application process for the Equity & Merit Scholarship is highly competitive, with candidates requiring to submit a student-authored essay showcasing their enthusiasm for learning and a positive attitude toward personal development. Active engagement in community service or extracurricular activities is also a key criterion for consideration.”

“These scholars have demonstrated the spirit of leadership and social consciousness that we strive to instil in all our students,” commented Tanisha Edwards, selection committee member and imminent Director of Student Life. “Their passion for learning, dedication to personal growth, and commitment to making a difference make them an ideal fit for our school environment.”

“Sustainability and quality of education are main concerns of our parents in Bermuda. Through this programme, we want to provide greater access to a world-recognised, forward thinking educational programme founded on student-centred learning,” says Riki Teteina, Head of School. “Our vision is to build a comprehensive equity programme for a significant number of students, who will contribute to economic growth and innovation on the island.”

“As we come into the second year of offering this programme, we are proud to have Roman and Khwai join our list of successful scholars,” added Alison Kempe, Director of Admissions “We look forward to witnessing the remarkable contributions they will undoubtedly make both within our school and beyond.”

The spokesperson said, “The submission deadline for applications for 2025-26 is January 31st 2025.

“For more information about the Equity & Merit Scholarship programme at Somersfield Academy, please visit or”

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