BPSU Hosts Caribbean Association Conference

July 16, 2024 | 2 Comments

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] said they are “honoured to be the host of the Caribbean Public Services Association [CPSA] 52nd Annual Conference.”

A spokesperson said, “The theme of this year’s Conference is “Navigating Challenges by Empowering Workers and Embracing Innovation.” This significant event highlights the importance of unity among public service trade unions in the Caribbean region, supporting efforts to protect the rights and privileges of their members.

“The CPSA is a regional organization that aims to unify public service trade unions across the Caribbean, providing support and fostering cooperation among its affiliates to protect and advance the rights of public service workers. The [BPSU] has been affiliated with the CPSA for over 50 years.

“This year, Presidents and their delegations from Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Trinidad & Tobago, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Vincent, and Turks and Caicos trade unions gathered in the Earl Cameron Theatre at City Hall to participate in the opening ceremony of the CPSA Conference. This event marks a milestone as Bermuda unites representatives from 16 public service unions in the Caribbean. Bro. Armell Thomas, President of the BPSU, has assumed the role of CPSA President during the conference along with Bro. Thomas Letang of Dominica, the CPSA General Secretary.

“The opening ceremony, which initiated the conference running from July 14 – 19, 2024, saw over 60 participants from host countries. Key highlights included addresses from Sis. Sandra Massiah, the PSI Sub-Regional Secretary, and Bro. Thomas Letang, CPSA General Secretary. The Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP, Premier and Minister of Finance of Bermuda, also delivered remarks, with the feature address given by The Hon. Jason Hayward, JP, MP, Minister of Economy and Labour.

Bro. Armell Thomas emphasized the significance of the event, stating, “This conference is not just a gathering but a powerful platform for driving change and fostering solidarity among Caribbean public service workers.”

BPSU General Secretary, Bro. Kevin Grant, added, “Our collective discussions will pave the way for innovative solutions to the challenges we face, ensuring a brighter future for all.”

Bro. Armell Thomas remarked, “Hosting the CPSA Conference in Bermuda is a testament to our commitment to fostering regional unity and empowering our members. This event provides an invaluable opportunity to share knowledge, strategies, and support across borders.” Bro. Kevin Grant, echoed these sentiments, adding, “The collaboration and discussions that will take place here in Bermuda are crucial for addressing the evolving challenges faced by public service unions. Together, we can develop innovative solutions that benefit all our members, fostering an environment where empowerment and innovation are at the forefront.”

The spokesperson added, “Throughout the week, the conference will feature Men, Women, and Future Leader Forums, with presentations and open discussions covering a wide range of vital topics. These will include addressing the challenges of climate change, enhancing financial management and the capacity of trade unions, developing strategies to strengthen union power in a changing landscape, and building solidarity and inclusivity within union affiliates. Additionally, the conference will explore the role of technology and innovation in driving union growth, the importance of maintaining the independence of the Public Service Commission, understanding trade union roles as employers, navigating global taxation responsibilities, and promoting mental health and well-being in the workplace. The program also includes business and breakout sessions designed to facilitate deeper engagement, collaboration, and practical solutions among the delegates.

“This conference will provide a crucial platform for delegates to engage in meaningful dialogue, share best practices, and develop strategies to address common challenges faced by public service unions across the Caribbean. The BPSU is proud to facilitate this event in Bermuda, which promises to be a productive week of discussions and collaboration, fostering stronger ties and a united approach to empowering workers and embracing innovation. The benefits of this conference extend beyond knowledge sharing; they include the establishment of long-lasting relationships and the strengthening of a network of unions committed to mutual support and growth.

“In addition to the formal sessions, the conference will feature a variety of social events designed to build camaraderie and strengthen networks among delegates. These include a church service, a tour of the island, and cruise to celebrate the achievements of the CPSA and its affiliates, providing delegates with the opportunity to network and foster relationships with our members while exploring Bermuda’s rich culture and heritage.

“The BPSU’s commitment to mental health will also be highlighted during the conference. A dedicated session on mental health and its impact in the workplace will explore strategies for creating supportive work environments and promoting mental well-being among public service workers. This session underscores the union’s holistic approach to worker empowerment, recognizing the importance of mental health in achieving overall workplace productivity and satisfaction. Additionally, the conference will focus on the critical role of technology & innovation, examining how advancements can be harnessed to drive union growth and efficiency.

“The BPSU and CPSA extend their gratitude to all delegates, members, speakers, and organizers for their contributions to making this conference a success. As the delegates return to their respective countries, we hope they will carry with them new insights, strengthened relationships, and a renewed commitment to advocating for the rights and welfare of public service employees across the Caribbean.

“The BPSU is dedicated to advocating for the rights and welfare of over 3,000 public service employees in Bermuda. The BPSU works to promote fair labour practices, improve working conditions, and enhance the quality of life for its members through collective bargaining and representation as we progress our union “Onward and Upward Together.”

“For further information, please contact the BPSU at info@bpsu.bm or visit or website at www.bpsu.bm.”

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  1. Hilarious! says:

    “Empowering Workers and Embracing Innovation” – how about getting workers to show up at their jobs and do their jobs? Where does delivering superior customer service come into play?

    Nooo! Not climate change! How can climate change be discussed when not one person attending the conference can put forth a definition of climate change that is accepted by NOAA, NASA, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), and the UK’s The Met?

    How about discussing how AI can replace workers and deliver better customer service?

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Where does delivering superior customer service come into play?”

      I believe you know the answer, but I will say it anyway. It does not.

      The BPSU is, after all, a union. Its focus is on workers’ “rights”. That is the “right” of the worker to dictate the terms of employment to the employer.

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